Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What's Good For the Dolt is Good For the Nimrod

The rock band, Green Day, has this song that they've entitled, "American Idiot". I don't know, I guess that it's some sort of condemnation of America/an underscoring of American anti-Intellectualism, etc., etc.. And, while, yes, I hate to admit it, these miserable little douche-bags may in fact be on to something here. America clearly has done some stupid things of late (not to mention, throughout our history) - our government (preemptive wars, water-boarding, pork-barrel projects, etc.) AND our citizenry (watching stupid television shows, listening to Madonna - just to name a couple).......................................................................................................But please/come on! America, folks, is hardly alone in this regard. I mean, think about it here. Couldn't those lack of subtlety clowns just as easily have come up with, "I don't want to be a Saudi Arabian idiot", "I don't want to be a Sudanese idiot", "I don't want to be an Iranian Idiot (Ahmadinejad alone, I'm saying!)", etc.? It's like, what, only Caucasian Europeans are capable of pure idiocy? That, folks, is what the entertainment world seems to be uttering a lot (this, of course, while women in the Muslim world continue to be beaten as a form of punishment for first having been raped - now THAT is some major-league idiocy!).


  1. It's been on the market for over half a decade (released in 2006) and you're getting around to ragging on it in 2010?
    "Don't want to be an American idiot."

    Try actually reading the lyrics, you've got the song all wrong.

  2. I know. But now it's being resurrected as a Broadway play.


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