Monday, June 14, 2010

Olbermann's Consevative/Lesbian Counterpart

Tammy Bruce is a flat-out coward. And if you happen NOT to believe me here, just take a look at her frigging web-site. This, folks, is a woman who literally allows ZERO/ZILCH dissent........................................................................................................I mean, just take a look at what happened to me last week. All that I did was question (politely, I thought) the wisdom of supporting Sarah Palin. Literally, folks, THAT WAS IT. First I got attacked. And then, when I responded to these criticisms (again, respectfully), I was banished........................................................................................................I mean, say what you frigging want about Limbaugh, Schultz, guys like that. At least they have people on their show who challenge them (I don't know about Ms. Bruce's radio show, maybe she's a little less punitive there). This lady apparently doesn't believe in that. It's Sarah Palin or the highway........................................................................................................P.S. Just for the record, I was immediately labeled by her listeners as a "liberal troll". This, despite the fact that I 1) never mentioned Obama by name and 2) actually listed Pence and Pawlenty as credible alternatives to Palin. Just for the record, I'm saying.


  1. Six of one,half a dozen of another.Go on any leftwing site and say something negitive about Obie,same thing will happen.

    At that site you're a leftwing troll and at LC you're a rightwinger.Go figure.

  2. The thing is, Russ, I saw this individual on CSpan and she kind of came across as an independent. And, yes, she seemed pretty damned smart, too. I was surprised to see how Palinized she's become...... The left-wing sites are interesting. Some of them continue to tout Mr. Obama. Others, though, are very disappointed in him (the foreign policy stuff, especially). I guess it depends on where (politically) you're coming from.

  3. At this moment MSNBC is absolutly blasting Obama's speech,with Olbermann doing the blasting.

  4. I saw it, me-bucko. I almost shit myself! If President Obama ends up losing this guy.....


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