Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Little Bit of Frank Analysis

Barney Frank is one of those politicians whose partisanship tends to bother me. That, and the fact that he frequently comes across as angry. But, I'm also telling you here, last night on MSNBC's "Hardball", Congressman Frank nailed it!.....................................................................................................Yes, I'm citing specifically the Congressman's spot-on (in my opinion) analysis of the Israeli blockade controversy. He astutely pointed out that 1) Israel voluntarily gave up Gaza, 2) things there were relatively peaceful until the terrorist organization, Hamas, took over, 3) the blockade isn't an Israeli blockade but an Israeli-Egyptian blockade, 4) if in fact there was something inappropriately done, the Israeli Supreme court will hold such people responsible (Frank quite correctly points out that the Israeli Supreme Court has been much, MUCH, tougher on their government than our supreme court has been on ours), and 5) the Turks should absolutely be ashamed of themselves for their willingness to be pawns of this murderous Hamas..................................................................................................Mr. Frank was also very impressive in his underscoring here of the much larger picture. Yes, blockades sometimes DO hurt people. One no doubt hurt the poor black people of South Africa during the blockade of that wretched regime. And, yes, the destitute masses of North Korea have probably been hurt at various times, too. Does anybody actually think that those blockades were/are unjust?....................................................................................................Speaking of North Korea, did not the government of THAT frigging country (in a significantly less ambiguous situation than the Israeli one) just sink a South Korean vessel AND, in the process, kill 46 people? Where in the hell is/was the outrage for that?....Just not enough interest, apparently.


  1. And just what is the point of this rambling stream of consciousness...?

  2. Stream of consciousness? I'm reiterating exactly what Congressman Frank said.

  3. Although Barney was as responsible as any Wall Street banker for the mortgage crisis due to his involvment with Fannie and Freddie he was spot on with his assesment of blockade issue.

    Will,you're from I'm sure you understand how important the Jewish vote is to East Coast liberal politicians.

  4. Rusty, meaning it was wrong for Barney to lie about Wall St but OK to lie about Israel?

    "Spot on" is generally used to mean accurate. Apparently you don't understand the term.

  5. Ah,Oso is letting his antiSemitic
    flag fly.I think your hatred for Jews is clouding your reading comprehension.

    Yes,Barney Frank was up to his eyeballs in the mortgage mess and yes his fellow dems have covered his ass (bad pun in Barneys case.)Did he lie about Freddie and Frannie and his involvement? Yes he certainly did,but his fellow libs backed his play,no harm no foul for Barney.

    That being said,his assesment of the blockade and enforcement of it was absolutly correct.So,Barney has indeed told a few fibs but not on this one.

    And why pray tell do you hate the Jewish people so much Oso?

  6. Oso, Rusty's middle name is "Nail".

  7. Viggy has returned to enlighten us with a couple examples of Obies executive skill sets that so impresses him.

  8. I guess one of Obie's skill sets is to raise the national debt to its present 13 trillion,with 5 billion being added each day.

    Seems like Obie has a terminal case of Empty Suit Syndrome.Looks like Obie's turning out to be the black Jimmy Carter.

  9. I am so glad that I never had kids. LOL.....Seriously, though, Russ, you're not HOPING that he's the next Jimmy Carter, are you? My dear God, that wouldn't be good for anybody.

  10. Am I hoping he's the new Jimmy Carter? No,but from his performance to date he sure looks like it.

    I find it amusing the dems fell for a guy (perhaps because he's black)that never accomplished anything,never ran anything,voted "present" in the senate,for the majority of his votes and proclaimed himself the second coming.

    The left was so damn desperate for anything to cling to they saw this charismatic,well spoken,smart,"cool," black man and thought....oh my god this is what we've been waiting for,we've got all the bases covered....oh lord,what speeches he gives,look how great him and his family look and he's black....we're in business with Barack...Harvard,law review...what could go wrong....he's our wish come true.

    Oh,oh...shit,he's just another politician,he's a bit crooked,he plays a lot of golf,Louisiana purchase,cornhusker kickback,spending like a drunkin sailor and now this friggin oil leak and he goes on vacation to play hoops.

    Is he Jimmy Carter? No one could be that he close....maybe...time will tell.

  11. Think about this....Obama endorsed Specter,oops....Obama endorsed Corzine,oops...Obama endorsed Deeds,oops...Obama endorsed Coakley,oops.....maybe he should endorse the oil spill.

  12. It wasn't just the Dems, Russ, who fell for it. A lot of independents and Republicans voted for him, too. Hell, I voted for him. I thought that he was better than McCain (who I thought was acting kind of buggy at the end). I may have been wrong. Like you yourself said, time will tell.


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