Friday, June 4, 2010

Eyes Wide Inverted

a) Take a look at an Israeli textbook. b) Compare it to a Hamas-approved Palestinian textbook......a) Take a look at the Israeli constitution. b) Compare it to the Hamas charter......a) Take a look at the Israeli press. b) Compare it to the Arab press/"press" in the Palestinian territories......a) Take a look at the Israeli Supreme Court (a court that frequently rules AGAINST the government). b) Compare it to the type of "justice" that people receive in the Arab world/Palestinian territories (assumed guilty, bullet in the back of the head, etc.)......a) Take a look at the Israeli record of making (or at least trying to make) peace; with Egypt, with Jordan, the ill-fated attempt with Arafat, etc.. b) Compare it with that of Hamas (trying not to laugh, of course)..................................................................................................Look, folks, I'm not saying that Israel is perfect - FAR from it. And I myself am not at all above criticizing them. I'm against the settlements, for example. I was also opposed to the war against Hezbollah (while I thought that it was justified, I also thought that it was counterproductive/imbecilically executed). And Mr. Netanyahu - don't even get me going on that guy. HELL, folks, I might even be persuadable that this whole flotilla thing could have been averted. But, I'm telling you, for people on the Internet/in academia to constantly blame Israel for everything (a hundred percent of the blame, a hundred percent of the time), it really is starting to grind me down. No offense, people.

1 comment:

  1. I believe there is a lack of knowledge or even resentment about historic Jewish ties to the land (my husband doesn't even find the historic argument very useful); and I also think there is a Western expectation that Israel should be perfect since they have nukes and good PR and no one else does; it totally weighs the scales theoretically. So it's like "bla, bla, bla Israel, and POOR Palestinians!" I think it's useful to treat those nations, and even our own, like children. Ok kids, what is it you want? And what do we want? This is what I've asked Tea Party folks and they just keep telling me what they DON'T want...liberals.


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