Friday, June 25, 2010

Good Call, Chris

Chris Matthews, known predominantly for his excessiveness, occasionally does hit the nail flat/perfectly. Just last week, for instance - in describing Charlie Crist's recent rise in the Florida polls, Matthews said that it looked like Mr. Crist had finally found the "sweet spot" (not too far to the left, not too far to the right). I mean, youza, huh, talk about an accurate statement. And a major nonpartisan one, too........................................................................................................Matthews, folks (and, yes, Mr. Crist, too - apparently), absent the blinders that most of these commentators (Olbermann, Hannity, Beck, etc.) cling to, clearly sees what's going on in the country. Yes, a lot of the liberals are losing (Corzine in New Jersey, Halter in Arkansas, etc.). But so, too, does the far right seem to be imploding. That tea party dude from New York's 23rd - he went down majorly! And, yes, so, too, did the Republican in Pennsylvania (competing for Mr. Murtha's old seat).........................................................................................................And, while, yes, the tea party candidates won big primaries in Kentucky and Nevada (Rand Paul and Sharon Angle, respectively), I can definitely see both of these controversial individuals losing this autumn (yes, two seats that were supposed to be sure-fire Republican pick-ups). You had better believe that Mr. Crist has found himself a sweet spot.


  1. Will,
    what would you say about Petraeus' chances in 2012?
    IMO without digging too deep he's the only viable candidate the teabaggers would accept due to his military background. I know they didn't accept McCain but he'd been around too long and left a trail.Petraeus doesn't have that history and is able to speak vaguely with the best of 'em.

  2. Military men are interesting, Oso. Early in our history, being a general was a sure fire ticket to political advancement. Lately, though, it hasn't quite worked out that way. Petraeus? Hard to say. I guess that it depends on his ability to cow-tow.


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