Saturday, June 26, 2010

A General Bias

In the opinion of most folks, President Obama hit the ball out of the park by appointing General Patraeus to be his new commander in Afghanistan. Republicans in the Senate (Lindsey Graham, in particular), especially, have been extremely supportive - not just of Petraeus's appointment, but also of the initial decision to can General McChrystal (whose major transgression, I maintain, is still the Pat Tillman cover-up)................................................................................................Of course, you simply can't please everybody. And, yes, if your name happens to be President Obama, you can never, EVER, please certain people. Can you say Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter? The latter, folks, was on the former's show the other night and, yeah, you betcha', all that these two frigging stooges could do was put forth nasty bile.................................................................................................First of all, they didn't even think that McChrystal's offense was worthy of reprimand/dismissal (attributing the incident more to the President's thin skin than to what was clearly a violation of the chain of command). And then, instead of praising Obama for his selection of Petraeus, they used the opportunity to dredge up the fact that Obama had initially opposed the Petraeus surge in Iraq (yeah, as if in fact that's a settled issue here - duh!)...................................................................................................Of course, why, pray tell, should this one issue be significantly different from ALL others? Mr. Obama, to them, is THE worst president in U.S. history. And it'll always frigging be that way. ALWAYS.


  1. My,my the left does have such short memories.

    Were'nt they calling this guy Gen.Betrayus a short while ago? Did'nt Hillary actually accuse his of lying? I think Obie was in on that one also.

    Now he's the second coming of McArthur.

  2. I think that that was more the crowd, Russ. Though, yes, I'm sure that there were a lot of politics coming from the Dems in Washington, too.

  3. Obama's biggest mistake was being tepid on the amount of troops McChrystal wanted for his plan. The president should have given the man every soldier he said he needed, even if it meant sorry fat ass retirees like myself being called back in.

    Then again if we had never gone into Iraq the whole situation would be very different. Not perfect but had Afghanistan not been put on the back burner so W could find his WMD's/bring the glories of democracy/secure oil resources for his buddies I do believe Afghanistan would be ina better position.

  4. This is a rare area of disagreement with us, double b. I tend to think that he (Obama) should have listened to Biden and gone strictly with the counter-terrorism approach. But, yes, since he did decide to go with the McChrystal approach, by all means, the maximum troop level would have been far preferable. It was almost like the President was making a political decision......Needless to say, I agree with you on Iraq.


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