Friday, May 21, 2010

The Steep Price For "Principle"

I don't believe for a second that Rand Paul himself is a racist. He seems, to me anyway, to be a good and decent/principled man. But, BUT, what Dr. Paul also is, WHAT HE ALSO IS, is an example of just what can happen to a person when their devotion to a principle and/or philosophy becomes immutable and/or oblivious to the world around him. Yes, we absolutely want people to be free in their associations. But, back in 1963, black people were literally banned from bathrooms, couldn't frequent certain retail establishments, etc., etc......................................................................................................I don't know, to me, folks, this is a scenario that doesn't so much require a person to tap into their much as it does their heart. And, besides, how much would Dr. Paul like it if it was him who had to piss in a frigging jar? Not a whole hell of a lot, I'm thinking.


  1. yeah good post Will.I'm not jumping on the "bash Rand" bandwagon with everyone else either.I'm probably on board with a lot more of Pauls beliefs than his opponents as well. But he just doesn't seem to get it, that he's now on a national stage and can't say stupid things. On right wing talk radio or even Beck he could have said his stupid piece, replied "of course not" to the hosts obligatory "but you're not a racist, right?" and moved on from there. dumb. There's a time for sticking to your guns, and a time to watch what you say. This was the latter.

  2. You gotta admitt,the Rand apple did'nt fall far from the tree.

  3. I agree that Rand is not a racist but I personally know people who would use his legalistic stance for racist purposes.

    But it is like you said Will, he makes his position immutable and I find anyone like that on the left or right to not truly understand the world.

  4. Good assessments, gentlemen. I especially can't add to what you said, Oso, "he just doesn't seem to get it.".....Maybe it's time for him to leave the theory at the door for a while.


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