Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sorry Sean, I Drink Alone

Hannity, in spite of all of his partisan rancor and stupidity - he always seemed to be at least somewhat affable, a guy who you wouldn't mind having a brewski with. But now, I don't know, I'm not so certain about that anymore............................................................................................................Yeah, I'm talking here about the way that he's been treating the President. I mean, seriously, it's almost as if he's starting to despise Obama. And, please, PLEASE, don't get me wrong here. I myself have a lot of problems with the President and am NOT opposed to criticizing him. But, come on. The hyperbole that Mr. Hannity's been using of late has truly and utterly become obnoxious............................................................................................................For example, just the other night, he referred to the "blame America first chorus that Mr. Obama seems to have perfected." He also said that "the President will never let a good trash America first fest go to waste." And, yes, folks, these are just the ones that I can remember (trust me, though, pretty much all of his comments were like this). I mean, talk about a scoundrel (yeah, I'm talking about Hannity here and not the President), huh?


  1. Frustrates me too. I honestly despise Obama, based entirely on the issues and essentially they are the same policy issues which I was at odds with when Bush was president, another gentleman whom I despise.

    Yet I'm forced to defend Obama when the attacks are personal or inaccurate. I mean some of the stupid things on ClusterFox are the equivalent of "Bush was behind 9/11".

    Indefensible and idiotic. Hey that sounds like a law firm.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well, you've heard me enough I am tired and feel everything is going from bad to worse. Politics aside, which is the lowest form of human behavior these days, I see no real national spirit. Patriotism in this country is a mile wide, but only inches deep.

    Drinking Rolling Rock right now and listening to an Old 70's country singer named Eddie Raven.

  4. Oso, during the campaign, I referred to Obama as "Bush light" and McCain as "Bush on steroids"......This is one prognostication that I may have actually been right about. Unfortunately.

  5. Still waiting, double b, for Mr. Obama to contact his inner Harry Truman/JFK. It's probably best, though, that I not hold my breath, huh?.....I cut my teeth on Rolling Rock, btw.

  6. Was chasing my daughter who was intent on getting to the girly stuff in Wal-Mart so I grabbed the first thing I could reach.

    Normally buy Corona or Buffett's Landshark which is a damn good beer all by itself.

  7. I used to have discriminating taste, too, double b. Lately, though, it's been nothing but cheap/rotgut vodka......Oh, how the mighty have fallen.


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