Tuesday, May 25, 2010

No Reservation(s)

Chris Matthews has a new feature at the end of his show. He calls it simply, "Let Me Finish" (I guess that you could call it something akin to O'Reilly's "Talking Points Memo"/Olbermann's "Special Comments" segment). And, yes, folks, it is often during this new segment that Mr. Matthews shows that he is absolutely NOT a carbon-copy of his MSNBC colleagues; Olbermann, Maddow, Schultz, etc......................................................................................................For example, just in the past several months or so, Matthews has defended Jim Bunning AND Lindsey Graham, lambasted Mr. Blumenthal, and, yes, has basically put forth an extremely well balanced agenda........................................................................................................And, yes, he goes off the reservation at various other points during the program, too. Just tonight, for example, he laid into President Obama for his "laid back" approach to this whole BP oil-spill disaster. Add to that the fact that he's also been critical of Obama's Afghan troop strategy/buildup (something, interestingly, that Mr. Olbermann continues to be very silent about)..........................................................................................................Look, folks, I know that Mr. Matthews alienated a lot of people with that "thrill up the leg" comment of his. But, please, PLEASE, I ask you here. Compare Mr. Matthews to Olbermann, Hannity, Limbaugh, Maddow, Schultz, Beck, etc., etc.. Does he not at least look somewhat good by comparison?....He sure as hell does to this damned blogger.


  1. I agree, Matthews can be irritating but on the whole he is pretty fair. I did get a strong impression many times he cared very little for Specter.

    As fas as Obama's laid back approach to the oil spill I've about had it with him. I guess its because I was raised in the Lowcountry of South Carolina and crawled through the mud of a salt water marsh since I was a kid but this is a damn American Chernobyl. Those marshes already exposed to that oil are dead and if they don't stop it the Loop Current will eventually catch the slick and take it up the east coast.

    Slightly off topic but I have to give Senator Graham some points, I don't agree with him a lot but I have never found him reactionary working purely from politcal dogma. His deciscions do seem to stem from some actual thought.

  2. Matthews is the only MSNBC personality I can bear.Unlike KO he will have guests with opposing views on his show.One issue I have with Matthews is when he asks a question and continues to blather on while the guest is trying to answer.

    Obama and the gulf states are at the mercy of BP,they are the only ones even capable of stopping the leak.If they cant that babys gonna gush until its dry or a side well is drilled.

    Hey Will,I'm a bit surprized your old buddy Clif has'nt surfaced with his solution to capping the oil leak.

  3. I agree, guys. Matthews can indeed be a major-league motor-mouth. I cannot tell you how many times that I've literally yelled at the television, "shut up!!" But, the fact that he seems to be open minded on some stuff, and the fact that he's often confused (like me) on where he even is politically - those are some of the things that I like about him.

  4. Matthews has been frosting Obama's ass over the slow federal reaction to the spill.I'm surprised MSNBC is allowing it.

  5. I hear all sorts of things about this oil spill. I think that you're probably right, Russ - only BP can plug this leak. But where, pray tell, are the tankers that can clean up the mess? The President (Harry Truman he isn't, so far) needs to address where in the hell they are.

  6. Don't know how true it is but I heard those tankers are loaded with oil waiting for the price to go back up.

    Also, got to give Governor Jindal a lot of credit, that man is busting his butt. He is out front and in the mess.

  7. I heard that, too, double b. Yet another aspect to the story that totally sickens me.

  8. Jindal has been front and center,notice he is'nt throwing rocks at anyone he's just concerned about his state.Bobby's gonna get a couple gold star's when this cluster f#*k calms down.

    Did anyone see that idiot James Carville bitching about Obama's response to the spill.I think he's still working for Hillary.

  9. Wow,after 309 days Obama is going to have a news conference.

  10. The Ragin' Cajun'!! LOL I do have to say, though, Russ, on this one I actually kind of agree with James. The last thing that the U.S. President needs to do be doing right now is raising moolah.


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