Monday, May 24, 2010

Different Trees, Different Woods

I just love the way that these partisan stooges (Hannity, Olbermann, etc.) totally ignore inconvenient (to them and to their agenda) stories. Hannity, for instance - not only did this stooge/simpleton NOT COVER the RNC strip club scandal, I don't even think that ever once acknowledged it. Pretty incredible, huh?...................................................................................................Of course, now that we have MSNBC to get our "information", we're also getting a lot of this same idiotic bull-shit from the lefties. Olbermann and Maddow, for instance - those two are just flat-out ignoring the Blumenthal story ; the fact that the fellow lied about serving in Vietnam, etc. (Hm, I guess that it just isn't as interesting when it's a Democrat misspeaking)..................................................................................................And the spinning!! Hannity, not at all wanting to give the Dems credit for winning that special election in Pennsylvania, underscores nothing but the fact that the victorious Dem actually opposes Obama on many key issues (ignoring, of course, the other issues in which he DOES agree with the President).....Turn the channel and, yeah, you got it, Olbermann is busy doing the exact opposite (focusing strictly on the fact that the guy had a D in front of his name and, yes, ignoring his inconvenient stances on the issues). I mean, seriously here, I might as well just go to the DNC and RNC web sites. At least there isn't a frigging retense there.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I've given up on politics, just too much hypocrisy to go around.

    Wouldn't vote for Blumenthal for a million dollars, for me as a vet claiming you were in combat is a big no-no.

  3. Unfortunately, his opponent (WWE mogul, Linda McMahon) might even be more of a scoundrel.....Your decision to give up on politics is looking mighty good.

  4. Blumenthal is the lowest of lows.The sad part is the voters in Conn. are going to elect him.

    I cant watch either Olbermann,Maddow or Hannity and I dont think they ever change anyone's mind about a subject because they refuse any sort of honest debate.They just screech the same thing over and over.Kind of like you buddies at LC.

  5. Russ, I hope you're being facetious with your choice of the term, buddies. Lydia, while she herself seems like a decent egg, the rest of'em over there - NOT SO MUCH!! LOL


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