Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Law of Infinite Regress/Redress

Yes, Slade, the Native Americans were screwed. Yes, Slade, the Mexican-American War was fought under bogus/false pretenses. Yes, Slade, that DOES sound familiar. But, come on here, fellow, because of these things we have to, what, completely surrender our sovereignty? Let's get real here.................................................................................................Oh, and before you start laying all of that racist crap on me, I am totally FOR a comprehensive approach to the immigration issue. I mean, sure, we need to secure the borders (this, Slade, to ward off drug violence, terrorism, etc.) and all. But we also need to develop a more humane system of dealing with those who are already living here, a sort of a guest-worker program, a path to citizenship, etc.. Hell, I might even goes as far as to liberalize the legal immigration from Mexico (this, in that, yes, overall immigration tends to be a good thing). But to (as you apparently are) suggest that we don't even need to know who these immigrants are, I'm not so sure about that. My guess is that isn't necessarily going to cut it in a post 9/11 mindset. I'm just sayin' here.

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