Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Hannity-Malkin "Axis of Evil"

It seems to me as if Mrs. Obama is doing some fairly decent things as first lady. I especially appreciate the fact that she's currently shedding light onto the dangers of childhood obesity. Of course, instead of commending Mrs. Obama for trying to do a good thing, partisan hacks such as Hannity and Malkin are doing the opposite/what they always seem to want and do - embarrass the poor gal.....................................................................................................In terms of this case, it seems that, prior to Mrs. Obama becoming first lady, she served on a board of some company that manufactures/markets junk food. And, yes, it is THIS that supposedly 1) makes her a hypocrite and 2) disqualifies her from being a credible spokesperson for good health (never mind the fact that the woman herself is in excellent shape).................................................................................................I mean, wow, talk about a gotcha, huh? And, plus, the fact that she's essentially going AGAINST her former interests (ditto, her husband with City Bank) - as opposed, I'm saying, to lobbying FOR them - that, to me - I don't know, it almost seems somewhat noble (O.K., maybe a whiff of hypocrisy). It certainly isn't as bad as frigging Dick Cheney and Halliburton - something that neither Hannity nor Malkin had ANY problem with - apparently.

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