Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Licence To Operate

Just to be fair and balanced here, I don't think that the Republicans have exactly been above-board on this whole immigration issue, either. Laura Ingraham is a perfect example of this. While she correctly points out that the new Arizona law only allows the police to question people (aka, ask for their papers) during the commission of a different crime, I think that, yes, we all know the brusque way that certain cops (absolutely not all - some, I'm saying) have operated elsewhere. In Louisiana, for instance, if certain cops see five or more Hispanics in a car together, they'll pull the frigging car over (DWH - driving while Hispanic is what it's euphemistically called) as a matter of course, blaming it on an "illegal" lane-change or something. Man, huh? Talk about pretty damned icky situation...............................................................................................................Look, folks, I really don't mind a tough approach (i.e., a border fence, getting tough on companies that hire illegals, etc.) to this illegal immigration issue. But, come on here, let's not eviscerate the Constitution completely. It's like, even Jeb Bush is against this Arizona law. Shouldn't THAT alone tell the Republican folks a thing or two? Yeah? No?


  1. A new term has been coined for this law;

    Juan Crow

    seems appropriate.

  2. The people down there feel like they're under seige. I understand and sympathize with them, but this is clearly the wrong path to go down. And, yes, it'll hurt 'em (the Republicans) politically, too.

  3. Funny when lily whites control everything, and suppress non whites;

    like they did for centuries;

    no one calls that a siege, only when the lily whites have to share power does it become a siege,

    I wonder why that is?

  4. As anyone might expect who knows my positions I have major issues with this law. I'm a white guy who at least in appearance is about as normal as they come but I have had serious issues with cops hassling me.

    Long story short a lot of cops have issues with handling the power and control and this law will in the end blow up in Arizona's face. I expect several Rodney King events.

    This does not exclude the fact that the borders are out of control and the United States, like any sovereign nation, has a right to control who crosses the border.

  5. anonymous seems quite the racist...

  6. anonymous seems quite the racist...

    Or historically accurate, which is why you tried very hard to divert the truth,

    When whites ran everything murdering Indians for their land and forcing Africans into slavery, nobody was screeching about being under siege, when in fact the only true REAL AMERICANS, the Indians were under siege for their lands and lives, and Africans were under siege for their lives and freedoms.

    Every since then whites have controlled the leavers of power till the 1960's when equal rights became a real issue addressed by the culture. Ever since then the right wing fringe has become more and more unhindges because the non whites are becoming full equal members of the American society, includimg the election of an african american to the white house which cause many on the right wing fringe to come completely unfglued rationally (not that they werre very coherent rationally before, but the presidency of Barack obama is a visual simbol of the future of this great country,

    Where ALL no matter of their race or sex, or hopefully sexual preference ) can completely participate in all the country has to offer including the high offices of power.

    The far right fringe doesn't want that to happen, never did, which is why the republican southern strategy of barely hidden racism to win elections, using code words and dog whistle sound bites got the more racist elements in the society to vote consistently republican. However the demographics and generational change of the 21st century is making such a flawed racist strategy a detriment not a benefit to republicans. At the moment enough old time right wing fringe elements control over the party (and the right wing noise machine)that it cannot change yet. This leads to far right wing fringe ideas of "show me your papers laws", people like Katherine Harris forcing 50,000 minorities off the voter registration in 2000 to help Bush ET AL steal the election in Florida which set up the 5 conservative supreme members handing down a very flawed ruling they admitted should never be used as precedent.

    BTW most do not know Jan brewer when she was secretary of state for Arizona pulled a Katherine Harris and dis-enrolled 10,000 Hispanic voters to help out the shrinking base of the lunatic fringe of the right wing who think this is a white christian nation, which the founding fathers denied.

    Volty wants the same as the rest of the lunatic fringe on the right, a return to when people of color knew their place, which to them is not in the white house or other positions of power.

    BTW Volty, in the past, has also called for the genocide of the entire Muslim religion if they refused to convert to Christianity.

    But he ain't no racist just ask him.

  7. Foosball fucked up my perception of soccer.I thought you had to kick the ball,and then spin around and round.I cant do a backflip,much less several...simultaneously with two other guys..that look just like me.

  8. Anonymous hates all white people and all members of the 7th cavalry.

  9. The last time I called shotgun,we had rented a I fucked up.

  10. anonymous is an illegal alien....well,maybe just an alien.

  11. crusty is trolling willy's website because he hates the facts being presented, just like he used to troll Lydia's blog, with his inane comments.

    Sucks to be part of the demographic that is declining doesn't it crusty?

    Sucks to be part of the stupid right wing fringe minority the voters rejected twice in a row doesn't it crusty?

    Get used to being so irrelevant crusty, time marches on no matter how much you far right wing fringe kook screech or stomp your feet.

  12. BTW crusty, not an alien, illegal or other wise.

    As usual you are wrong again.

  13. anonymous hates Dark Lord of the Sith.

    anonymous hates cRusty'sGrandma.

    anonymous hates Kevin'sGrandma.

    anonymous hates WillsGrandma.

    anonymous hates Rusty'sGrandma.

    But most of all he hates himself for disapointing his parents and being a failure in life.

  14. Wrong again, six times over, crusty,

    Don't you ever get tired of being so wrong on so much;

    I guess not since you keep posting irrational nonsense that is not connected in any way to reality or real life.

    I guess that is the job of a right wing fringe troll, posting irrational nonsense to derail any real conversation about the issues, which you have done for over 4 years running.

    Heck of a job being the irrational nonsense comment troll crusty.

  15. You have managed to derail the conversation Willy started, on Willy's blog just like you used to do at Lydia's, hope your BFF Willy appreciates you for your efforts to derail the conversation here, like you did at Lydia's for so long.

  16. Poor anonymous,how far you've fallen.There was a time you were looked up to by your minions.My god,you were....dare I say administrator.You had the power of deletion.Ahh,but then the fair implanted Lydia grew tired and cast you aside like yesterdays table scrapings.No matter how much you pleaded,no matter how many times you told her she was the bestest actress you have ever seen,no matter how many times you told her TCFC was the bestest sitcom ever on TV the fair implanted Lydia still kicked you to the curb.
    Oh poor anonymous,a middle aged failure,living alone,no prospects,voluntarily celibate,scared of woman,angry at the world,perhaps still visiting the "dojo." Cast aside by his fantasy woman.Poor,poor anonymous.

  17. In case you have'nt noticed no one was talking to you...pretty familar is'nt it sparky,kinda like LC.

  18. Willy...make him stop....come on Willy make him stop.

  19. And anonu said "why wont anyone talk to me?"

  20. Perhaps the next thing from anonymous will be a tearful farewell posting saying he's done,he'll never be back.

  21. Poor anonymous,how far you've fallen.There was a time you were looked up to by your minions.My god,you were....dare I say administrator.

    Wrong as usual crusty,

    Never was any blog administrator ever.

    Don't have any minions I can recall, but in your incoherent nonsense postings you might want to believe so if it helps you deal with the way history is making you far right wingers more and more irrelevant every day.

  22. Perhaps the next thing from anonymous will be a tearful farewell posting saying he's done,he'll never be back.

    Funny that was a former half term governors way to join the far right wing fringe gravy train of bilking millions out of the stupid people who send her money thinking she can turn back time.

  23. And anonu said "why wont anyone talk to me?"

    Never said that crusty, as usual you lie and distort the truth.

    I said you are attempting to derail the conversation Willy wanted on this thread, he must be so proud of you for doing this to his blog

  24. In case you have'nt noticed no one was talking to you...

    Damn the far right wing fringe kool aide, must suck all your rational thinking abilities out of your head. You crusty ,are talking directly to me in your right wing distraction trolling with incoherent nonsense postings above, but then you lie about that, just like lie you blatantly lied about the racist postings you put at Lydia's blog which Willy tried unsuccessfully to cover for you.

  25. Looks like Crusty is getting his ass handed to him!

  26. Looks like the fringe far right wack jobs are imploding..........every time ANYONE listens to the fringe Right Wing its a disaster..........from the "show me your papers" unconstitutional disaster in Arizon to "TRUSTING" Wall Street and the oil cartels to regulate themselves.

    Thats what happens when you listen to a buch of clowns who are dead wrong on EVERYTHING

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Ahh,he's called his dwarf for help....the other self professed celebate.

  29. Looks like Crusty is babbling nonsense to derail your blog just like he did on Lydia's blog,

  30. " babbling nonsense to derail your blog just like he did on your blog.".....huh?

  31. More nonsense from crusty quoting something that does not exist.

  32. Sorry crusty not part of the LC brain trust, what ever that is.

  33. worf,no one wants to play your childish kid games.

  34. Must be more right wing kool-aide induced dementia you seem to suffer from.

  35. I am not worf, and you are the one posting childish incoherent nonsense, so as usual a far right wing kook is accusing someone of things they themselves are in reality guilty of.

  36. You two did nothing but denagrate Will's blog now you're both here....aint that something.

  37. But then again that is stock in trade for clowns.

  38. Rustyridesagain said...
    In case you have'nt noticed no one was talking to you...pretty familar is'nt it sparky,kinda like LC."

    Rustyridesagain said...
    Poor anonymous,how far you've fallen.There was a time you were looked up to by your minions.My god,you were....dare I say administrator.You had the power of deletion.Ahh,but then the fair implanted Lydia grew tired and cast you aside like yesterdays table scrapings.No matter how much you pleaded,no matter how many times you told her she was the bestest actress you have ever seen,no matter how many times you told her TCFC was the bestest sitcom ever on TV the fair implanted Lydia still kicked you to the curb.
    Oh poor anonymous,a middle aged failure,living alone,no prospects,voluntarily celibate,scared of woman,angry at the world,perhaps still visiting the "dojo." Cast aside by his fantasy woman.Poor,poor anonymous."

    You really dont know how to tell the truth do you Pinnochio?

  39. Sorry but I am not sure who you are claiming I am, but rest assured I am not that person crusty.

    Up the meds, they don't seem to be working for you anymore.

  40. What is a "dojo." crusty,

    One of your in the closet sex toys?

  41. Rustyridesagain said...
    Ahh,he's called his dwarf for help....the other self professed celebate."

    More Right wing lies and projection.......the only jackass babbling about celicacy is you assclown!

  42. Willy does a post about the unconstitutional Arizona law, and crusty works very hard to make sure nobody talks about that unconstitutional law.

    heck of a job crusty.

  43. Rustyridesagain said...
    worf,no one wants to play your childish kid games."

    you sure seem to want to little man...........childish games, and personal attacks seem to be your stock and trade.

  44. if you have'nt noticed Will's blog is'nt about right or left,his threads cover various subjects,from politics to sports to media to movies.
    that being said,who do you two wizards like in the Oaks tomorrow?
    sorry for asking that....I forgot you were one trick ponys.....thats funny....the trick pony....get it.

  45. Sorry crusty but you are the only one here posting incoherent irrational nonsense, but then again that is about all you ever do, besides project your insecurities on everyone else.

  46. FYI...the Oaks is a horse race.

    Baseball season is starting,

    I am much more interested in that then some rich goof's way to lose money,

    betting on a horse is about as solid as the Wall Street scams Goldman Sachs ran.

  47. You know when they show someone on TV washing their hair under a waterfall? Thats bullshit.....cause that thing would knock you on your ass.

  48. More incoherent nonsense from crusty, must be all he can do.

  49. I wanted to buy a candle holder,but the store did'nt have one.So I got a cake.

  50. Sucks so much for him to know the far right wing fringe tea baggers are as doomed as the Whigs were pre-civil war, that his brain cannot post coherent on topic conversation at all.

    Just the babbles of a demented far right wing troll off his meds.

  51. Well crusty at least willy gets post counts out of your dementia on parade postings.

  52. I order a club sandwich all the time,but I'm not even a member! I dont know how I get away with it.

  53. PS crusty if you can manage a short stint of rationality,

    Do you think the Yankees will repeat?

    Hope so since they have been my team ever since I was a child growing up in NY

    Yankee Stadium is where it is at, for a Yankee fan.

  54. I got an ant farm....them fellas did'nt grow shit!

  55. Looks like crusty forgot his Memantine again.

  56. I'm against picketing,but I dont know how to show it.

  57. I'm here all week....try the veal....tip your waiters.

  58. I guess the ward attendant told crusty light out.

  59. Heading up to Kentucky for the Derby today...........just say the word where you'll be little man and its a go!

  60. pssst, me make a fool out of Mike.

    Hey Mike,I see you're going to the Derby,if you dont mind help me out here....who are you betting on?Its supposed to rain,do you think that will effect anything? I think the track drains well,dont you?
    Come on Mike give me your top three horses in the the Derby? And why.
    Dont let me down here Mike I'm counting on you.

  61. Mike,who's the morning line favorite?
    Come on you've got to know.

  62. While at the fountain of knowledge Mike did'nt drink he only gargled.

  63. Well go response from Mike.Now aint he just a bullshit artist.Yea,he's coming to the Derby like I'm going to the space station.These two morons are just way tooooooo easy.

  64. Sorry crusty but your incoherent babbling previously shows that you don't take much seriously, but if somebody doesn't handicap horse racing you question their intelligence,

    Maybe your the moron crusty, cause you attack everyone for having an opinion that conflicts with yours, and those who don't suscribe to what you claim is so important (the odds of betting on a two minute horse race)?

    Just because mike doesn't answer in the allotted time you allow, you attack him?

    Nice, how revealing of you since you didn't answer the question I posted a few posts before,

    Do you crusty, the supposed Las Vegas odds maker, think the NY Yankees will repeat?

    Or are you just another loser who thinks they will get rich at the track?

    Sort of like the losers Goldman Sachs depends on to make their billions selling bets on their nags of derivatives?

    Sorry crusty, but only 258,430 (153,563 derby attendance) people attended both the derby and oaks last year out of a population of around 305,529,237 people in the US (Jan 2009).

    Hell many more people watched President Obama take the oath of office and sang goodbye to the worst president ever in Jan 2009 then watched, in person, a two minute horse race.

    But you seem to think that is the be all and end all by the way you post about some arcane odds which are usually proven wrong when the race is actually run.

    PS crusty gonna answer my question or are you just that big a fool?

  65. Crusty, who's the baseball season pennant favorite?

    Come on you've got to know.

  66. While at the fountain of knowledge crusty didn't drink he only took a piss in it, then giggled like the incoherent nonsense troll he is.

  67. Well sparky,of course the defending champs are the favorite to repeat.But,I on the other hand put down 5grr on the Rays to make the play off's at 6 to 1.I also put a few on the Rays to make it to the ALCS at 10 to one.Now in the NL,of course the Phillies are again the favs but I'm considering laying something on the Giants at pretty good odds.What do you think Nancy?

  68. Nice of you to cover Mike while he was hiding.You two one trick ponys are just to easy.

    Please dont try and talk about sports or sports betting,you'll just look foolish.

    Better you stick to the right bad the left good thing,thats you're only gig.Yep,one trick pony.

  69. Sorry but you are confuddled again crusty, no Nancy here .....

  70. Yea,you know you're really a Nancy.You know what I mean.

    Go back to your comfort zone.Dont look foolish and try to talk sports,odds or betting.If you do you'll look like a Nancy.

  71. BTW I really don't care about betting I have better uses for money then some foolish rigged betting scheme,

    I am a Yankees fan is all.

    Sorry you can't appreciate the sport with out the rigged betting angle.

    PS, I didn't claim right bad the left good thing

    That is your stitch, only in reverse,

    I look at reality and facts instead of daily talking points ..... like you use for your hard thinking.

    But do continue to give us all your right wing la la land version of reality, and of course your incoherent nonsense babbling.

  72. For some reason you are stuck on stupid about the nancy thing crusty,

    But then again stuck on stupid is mostly what you post about (see above for reference)

  73. Stay within yourself.Dont venture out,you dont know what you're talking about.Do your one trick and be content with it.

  74. Dont look foolish and try to talk sports,odds or betting.

    Crusty sports .... odds and betting do not naturally go together,

    I have enjoyed the Yankees for decades with out ever betting on a game at all.

    Bet Pete Rose wished he did also.

  75. Sorry crusty but I ain't one dimensional like you show yourself to be.

    Quit profiling everyone like you do crusty.

  76. Your pigeonholing people is rather boorish, but then again it helps you not to think much doesn't it crusty?

  77. Cause when you can pigeonhole people you can ignore the inconvenient facts and reality like you consistently do.

  78. Ahh,a "rigged betting scheme," my it seems you know something the general population is ignorant about.Can you clear this up?

  79. Seems you are the one trick pony, all sports are nothing but fodder for odds making and betting schemes.

  80. When facts show up that you can't handle you babble incoherently.

    Like you have repeatedly done on this very thread.

  81. If people have a different opinion you attack then LIE about them or find other ways of attempting to derail the conversation.

    Very limited intellect shows there crusty. Stick to your limited skill sets, incoherent babbling and bad grammar.

  82. "rigged betting scheme," gadzooks!!! Rigged,you say? Again,GADZOOKS....congress should be investigating this scheme.What the hell is going here? The public is being subjected to a "rigged betting scheme" and are government is letting this continue? This cant be!

  83. The public is being subjected to a "rigged betting scheme" and are government is letting this continue?

    Sounds like the scam Goldman Sachs ran while the fools bush appointed looked for internet porn, eh crusty?

    cause that is exactly what happened, the republicans bush appointed were looking for on line nookie while Goldman Sachs were rigging their bets and claiming all was well in Wall Street scam city.

    Or did you think I was wasting my time talking about a two minute horse race?

  84. Can you explain this "rigged betting scheme?" This has gotten my attention,I want to know exactly what this is,I want to put a stop to it right now. Right now I say! It cant continue a minute longer....not one minute longer.

  85. Cause Us Government is looking into their rigging of the bets they claimed were triple a;

    U.S. Said to Open Criminal Inquiry Into Goldman

  86. Ahh,that explains it.....Bush created this "rigged betting scheme," now its clear.Thank you for that,

  87. Crusty the rigged scheme was on Wall Street not some waste of two minutes.

    Damn do you have a short attention span to go with your very limited intellect.

  88. Bush created this "rigged betting scheme," now its clear.

    No crusty, Goldman Sachs did,

    do try to keep up;

    Goldman Sachs with Hank Paulson as CEO rigged the bets they called derivatives and CDO's so they could sell them then bet against them at the same time,

    Then when it was collapsing for some reason Hank Paulson magically appeared at treasury (oh right a Bush appointee) to keep Goldman Sachs from bearing the brunt of their criminal actions.

    Funny how that all worked out wasn't it?

  89. anonymous,I am thankfull for you.Who would have thunk it....GS is responsible for all this friggin sports betting.Man you're too sharp for words.

  90. So what your saying is these....what do you call them...derivitives.....set the odds on sports betting in the US?
    I cant believe that....what sets the odds over seas?

  91. So let me get this straight,GS is setting the odds on both baseball and the Kentucky Derby?

    No dumbkoph, but then again your reading comprehension is very limited isn't it?

    Is that what you're saying?

    No crusty, Goldman doesn't waste their time on penny ante bets (like you do) they go for hundreds of millions at a time.

    GS is behind all the damn gambling thats going on the the USA.

    No crusty but as usual you get it all wrong, sort of the stitch you have used to keep your little mind from the facts of right wing greed and corruption, which the people bush appointed ignored while he was in office, which is why you right wingers have lost two elections in a row and are setting your self up for more loses.

    Son of a bitch,

    You shouldn't talk about willy like that crusty,

    It isn't nice of you on his blog

    I'm glad someone finally cleared this shit up.

    Far from it crusty you only lost the gist in your first sentence, and have gone farther from the facts with each key stroke.

    Man,you're a godsend.

    Right and you believe the other incoherent crap you post also.


  92. GS is responsible for all this friggin sports betting

    Notice how crusty spins a lie, and now repeated it like it is gospel.

    That is how the dishonest right wing trolls work.

  93. I'm telling anon,you're one gigantic breath of fresh air.

    You sure have opened my eyes,I would have never,I mean in a million years guessed that Goldman Sachs had anything to do with setting odds on both baseball and the Kentucky Derby. You're a friggin wizard.Good work man.

  94. So what your saying is these....what do you call them...derivitives.....set the odds on sports betting in the US?

    No crusty the derivatives were the side bets Goldman Sachs made against the CDO's they sold as triple a investments which they claimed wouldn't fail, at the same time they were betting with derivatives would fail.

    I cant believe that....what sets the odds over seas?

    Um crusty, Goldman Sachs sold the same crap over seas.

    Then made the same bets against it.

    You are too small time for then crusty.

  95. anon,I can rest easy tonight.You sir have cleared things up.

  96. Keep lying, crusty

    It is what you do best.

  97. anon,I can rest easy tonight.You sir have cleared things up.

    yes I did,

    YOU LIE repeatedly

    and act like you don't know you LIE

  98. Joe Wilson must have been talking about YOU at the SOTU speech,

    Cause YOU LIE

    fits you to a tee

  99. I would have never,I mean in a million years guessed that Goldman Sachs had anything to do with setting odds on both baseball and the Kentucky Derby.

    Nobody said they did crusty,

    That is one of the LIES you tell to hide the facts of the crimes they committed, while bush people ignored their criminal behavior cause there is porn on the Internet.

  100. But lying is about all you actually do so enjoy being the clown who lies repeatedly to distract from the truth as you clowns lose another election cycle.

  101. See how easily you are played,

    You thought the bets were about something as foolish as a two minute horse race instead of trillions of dollars in derivatives that haven't been fully unwound yet.

    And when you realize how easily you were played,

    you start lying right on schedule.

    how predictable you are crusty.

  102. Some of those derivatives Goldman Sachs sold are causing a total meltdown in Greece, which could send the European economy back into recession, which would then put pressure on ours,

    But a two minute horse race is all crusty can think about.

    Man what a short attention span he has.

  103. What no stupid off target come back crusty?

    damn your easily played

  104. I have been in favor of the new illegal alien law in AZ,but today I changed my mind.Why you ask? Because two former NASA rocket scientist publicly denounced the law.Yes I'm talking about Ricky Martin and Shakira. If I'm correct both have graduate degrees in political science so they know what they are talking about.In fact Ricky has a double degree,the other being in fudge packing.

  105. I'm so damn grateful anonclif stopped by last night.Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever guessed Goldman Sachs,along with help from George Bush himself have set up a "rigged betting scheme" that controls not only activities on wall street but also all sports wagering across the nation.We all owe anonclif for bringing this horrid scam into the spotlight.I just wish there was some way the country could reward him with some sort of medal or a least a certificate of merit.

    I work in the gaming industry and have for a number of years and silly me all the while I thought we were regulated to the point that ensures the betting public a fair shake at honest odds.But here comes anonclif bursting my bubble with his solid detective work unmasking this "rigged betting scheme." Now,I wish he could take the time...of course when his busy schedule perhaps explain how this "rigged betting scheme" works.

    Anonclif's warning should be a klaxon horn to everyone,everywhere.

  106. Wow, I go to Newport for 2 days and look what happens. Good to see that you kids are playing as you usually do - SO NICE!! LOL

  107. Russ, what does "fugge packing" have to do with illegal immigration?

  108. Nothing Will,it has to do with Ricky Martin.Its amusing when a couple ignorant celebs make political statements.

  109. Today the president of Mexico called the AZ law inhumane.If he does'nt like it he can tell all his citizens to come home.His own people are getting murdered at a record pace and this idiot throws a rock at AZ.I'm guessing Obama will apoligize to him some time in the next few days.If the american president had any balls at all he'd tell Calderone to mind his own friggin business even if he did'nt agree with the new law.

  110. I had to mention it, Russ. This, in that I had criticised Cliffy for similar comments.

  111. The funny thing, Mexico doesn't let Guatamalens into their country. It appears, Russ, that we're not the only anti.....


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