Friday, April 30, 2010

Image This

There's been a lot of coverage pertaining to violent right-wing rhetoric; Sarah Palin and her idiotic cross-hairs link, for example. And, yes, because of that, a lot of people have been left with the notion that imagery such as this is ONLY coming from the right. Well, guess what, folks, it isn't. I site specifically Slate.Com's David Plotz. In a recent rant against Wall Street (a very easy target, granted), Mr. Plotz advocates (his tongue firmly in cheek, I hope) that "We should burn them down. We should go after them with pitchforks, knives, guns, clubs we find, mace - anything, because it's appalling.".......................................................................................................Add to this little blurb, a sentiment from one of Mr. Plotz's colleagues over at Slate. According to one Mitch Deerfield, "Obama needs to break some knee-caps." He needs to "use some of the goons from the SEIU to pressure recalcitrant blue-dog Democrats" and that "You'd be surprised how persuasive brass-knuckles can be when used against Senators and Congressmen who stand in the way of progress and economic justice."............................................................................................................Oh, and how 'bout this one from the normally well-spoken/measured, Roland Martin? On, Mr. Martin says that "It's time for Obama to go gangsta' on the GOP. It's time for him to channel his inner Al Capone. Let 'em know that if they aren't with you, then they're against you, and that you'll pay a price."...................................................................................................................And, yes, folks, sometimes it's more than simple words. Add to all of this rhetoric, the fact that Harry Reid supporters threw eggs at a tea party bus, Congressman Cantor apparently received death threats, a black tea party dude was beaten badly by union thugs, pro illegal-alien protesters were seen hurling various objects at the cops, etc. and, yeah, it really does seem to be coming from both sides of late. Too bad that the mainstream media only seems to want to demonize one side.


  1. Yeah, this is wrong from both sides but I have yet to see lefties start carrying firearms to political rallies.

    A loaded AR-15 with the owner freaking over nonexistent Obama political reeducation camps trumps everything else.

  2. I agree. Definitely gotta keep the firearms at home. And, yes, it certainly IS inflammatory to wield them at a political rally. No question.


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