Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Here, folks, is a perfect example of why I've grown to despise Keith Olbermann. Remember how last week he made such a huge commotion about what was happening at that Indian reservation; the suffering that was accruing from those major snow storms, the power outages, etc.? Remember how he even went as far as to put the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs onto his dreaded worst persons list? Yeah, huh? Well, think about it, folks. Who in the hell is in charge of that particular committee now? It's the Democrats, right? They have the majority of the members (9 of the 15) and the chairman, Byron Dorgen - he's a frigging Democrat, too. Mr. Olbermann conveniently left out this little piece of information. Do you think that he would have left it out had the Republicans been in charge, had Senator McCain still been the reigning chairman? I personally don't think that he would have..............................................................................................Oh, and, yes, just for the record, this story was in fact a legitimate one. I would even go as far as to say that Mr. Olbermann's outrage this time was warranted. It's just too bad that he had to ruin it all by showing off his hyper-partisan stripes. Too God damned frigging bad indeed.


  1. I think it is about war Will. The war between FOX NONSENSE and the rest of the world, the sane part of it at least. Keith O. is just the Warrior of the left, rather like Glenn Beck is the warrior of the left.

  2. You are two of the six people watching Olbermann.

    I love how he tries to pick fights with Rush,O'Rielly,Beck and others who just ignore him showing just how inconsequential he is.The dope is in a shouting match by himself.

    I saw a site the other day that had a pool where you predicted when Olbermann's head would explode.

    His ratings and those of MSNBC in general are in the crapper and continue on a downward spiral.

  3. It looks as if MSNBC may just follow Air America down the drain.

    Regular folks get turned off by the constant screeching.

    I cant understand why libs are so damn upset over Fox.I mean if you dont like it,dont watch it.Simple as that.Or are they angry that Fox trumps all the others?

    Libs will say Fox lies,but ask them what they are lying about they usually cant answer or they say "I dont watch Fox."

    Last month a non-partisan poll said Fox was the most trusted news network on the air.I dont know....maybe the people who watch Fox are just ignorant.

  4. Here's the thing, Mike. I've been blasting Fox News for years now (for their biased presentation, etc.). And now MSNBC is doing basically the same thing. I have to call them on it. This, in that, if I don't, nobody will ever take me seriously. Not that they necessarily do, mind you but you know what I'm saying.

  5. Just for the record, double c, I don't think that EVERYONE who works for Fox is lacking fairness. I think that Shepard Smith, Chris Wallace (most of the time), Major Garrett and others do a very credible job of reporting and analysis. But when you have people like Hannity, Beck, Cavuto, Huckabee, Rove, Bolton, Santorum, Fox and Friends, Ingraham, Kelly, Palin, etc., etc., it really gets hard to overcome the right-wing bias over there. And, no, for the most part, they do not.

  6. If you dont like it.....dont watch it. Pretty simple is'nt it.

  7. O'Rielly has waaaaay more libs on his show then Olbermann has conservatives.In fact has K.O. ever had anyone with an opposing view on his show?If he has please tell me who it was.

  8. Over 45% of the country call themselves "conservative," hell maybe they are all watching Fox.

  9. I'd love to know how in the hell Roger Ailes finds all those good looking smart women.I mean he's got the market cornered.

    MSNBC comes up with a carpet muncher.

  10. Olbermann doesn't have ANY conservatives (or even moderates) on his show. If you're looking for me to defend that fellow, you really haven't been paying attention. As for watching Fox, MSNBC, etc., I do so because I enjoy doing media criticism and, no, I'm not afraid of listening to opposing viewpoints.

  11. No one said you were afraid of opposition.

    The point is libs paint Fox with their broad brush of intolerence yet feel MSNBC is the be all end all.

    The truth being Fox actually is much more balanced then MSNBC.

  12. You make a valid point, double c (you don't mind it if I call you double c, do you?). People do paint with a broad brush. That's why I was quick to point out that Fox DOES have some credible folks; Smith, Wallace, Garrett, Cameron, Griffin (currently out on medical leave). I just think that overall that there's a bias over there, with some of their programs far, FAR over the top (Hannity and Beck, especially). As far as MSNBC, if you've read my blog consistently enough, you'd know that I've been extremely hard on Olbermann and Maddow (Matthews I find to be far less predictable), too. I really do try to be fair. I mean, come on, just the mere fact that Cliffy doesn't like me - doesn't that give me some cred?

  13. Ann Coulter recently hit the nail on the head when she called Matthews,Maddow and Olbermann Obama's jock sniffers.Typical Ann,but pretty damn accurate.

  14. I agree with you/Ann on Maddow and Olbermann. Matthews, though, I don't know, he seems much more of a wildcard to me. This, in that he definitely does/will criticize the President.

  15. I can bear Matthews,except when he starts spitting and interupting his guest.Hes like Laura Ingrham they both talk over their guest,very annoying.


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