Friday, February 12, 2010

On the Wrong Side of Yesterday

Colin Powell now thinks that "don't ask-don't tell" should cease. Defense secretary Bob Gates apparently agrees with him. Ditto, Admiral Mullen. Hell, folks, even conservative commentators such as Steven Hayes and Charles Krauthammer (aka, the somber one) think that the time has come for this policy to end. It's like, HELLO/ENOUGH ALREADY!!..............................................................................................And the thing is here, while, yes, I obviously agree with these people (this, in that I've long been a strong proponent of allowing gays to serve, and to serve openly), even if I did have some doubts, just take a look at the folks on the other side of this argument; Sean Hannity, Oliver (I screwed the Constitution big-time) North, etc.. That factor alone, I'm saying!


  1. Why the hell is this such a big issue with you?

    Its meaningless.

  2. A couple of reasons, double c. Number one, it's institutionalized discrimination, something that in the 21st century we need to distance ourselves fron ASAP. And number two, I'm concerned about military preparedness. In an era of two wars, we need as many able-bodied heroes as possible.

  3. ya gotta wonder WHEN they are going to let go and let nature for gosh sakes.... :-) Hi Will!

  4. Hi Gwendolyn. You're one of Mike's colleagues, correct? And, yeah, definitely that whole nature thing. LOL P.S./FYI While we never had any kids, if we did, we were all set to name a girl, Gwendolyn. Seriously, Gwendolyn Tremaine.

  5. Yea, Will... I like Gwendolyn as name, Gwen rolls off the tongue nicely. Charles the Kraut always reminds me of Sam the Eagle from the Muppet Show. I agree with GB, we need to let go...not let god(s)

  6. It's funny, Teeluck. I don't like the name, Gwenevere, but I LOVE Gwendolyn. Go figure, huh?


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