Saturday, February 13, 2010

"For Instance" Politics

A lot has been made about how global warming deniers have only been using anecdotes to make their case - the fact of how they point to a snow-storm here, a wintry cold-spell there, etc.. And, yes, me-buckos, it is in fact a very good case that's been made against them. But to say that the opponents of global warming are the only people who are throwing around these anecdotes is ridiculous. Global warming PROPONENTS are doing it as well. I mean, think about it. When was the last time you ever heard someone from the inside of that camp NOT blaming a hurricane on global warming/climate change? It's like, I don't know about you'all but, for me, it's been an extremely LONG time...................................................................................................Oh, and, yeah, then there's that story I've been reading out of Florida - yeah, the one about all those manatees dying? Apparently the water's getting rather cold down there. Anecdotally, I'm saying.


  1. Yea, we actually have a conveyor belt of heated water in the ocean that circles the Earth, I think it is also going haywire, because it is controlled by the salt content in sea water, which is now going bad because of the melting Ice in the arctic, which dilutes the salt content.

  2. That could very well be, Teeluck. I don't necessarily put myself in either camp here. I'm just amused by the way that both sides have tried to plead their cases lately.

  3. It was pointed out that the above average snow fall for the east coast is balanced out by the above average warmer temperatures in parts of Asia, Western Canada, and Australia.

    It was also mentioned that the east coast snow fall was partially started by more evaporation from the higher than normal temperatures over the last couple of years. That global warming had triggered a small self-correcting loop at least for part of the northern hemisphere.

    The big irony is what Teeluck mentioned. A massive fresh water melt off from the Greenland ice cap could dump enough water into the ocean to force the Gulf Stream south removing its warming influence on eastern Canada and Western Europe starting another ice age.

    While to some that might sound like an answer to the problem the sea level would rise so much many coastal cities would be flooded with the waters stretching very far inland.

    Climate science is full of holes and in some cases guesses but the underpinning of the data is unassailable no matter what the corrupted clowns on Fox might say.

    I completely understand your point Will and like we both agreed at another blog, breaking away from oil and becoming energy independent through the use of wind, nukes, and solar just for the sake of national security is a double win for us all.

  4. Will, you can deny Global Warming all you want but how else can you explain the Saints winning a Super Bowl without something being globally outta whack?

    Hell cosmically outta whack. Only thing crazier would be Al Davis selecting a viable draft pick in the first round and signing him before training camp ends.

  5. There's a big difference between what you're doing, double b, and what the others are doing. You're not just citing individual anecdotes and moving on. You're putting forth multiple instances and a rationale as well. I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with your approach.....As for you, Mr. Oso, that's probably the most compelling argument of them all. HANDS DOWN!!


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