Saturday, January 2, 2010

Mythical Mantra

There are a lot of legitimate criticisms that one could conceivably level against the President; a lack of leadership pertaining to the stimulus and health care, a questionable strategy regarding Afghanistan (i.e., the sending of 30,000 additional troops to a country in which our enemy apparently no longer resides), etc.. And, then, of course, there are the other, far more, unfair criticisms.......................................................................................Take, for example, this whole "he's constantly apologizing for America" schpeal that the far-right (Monica Crowley being the latest to make this charge) has basically turned into its creed. I mean, yes, I know that I've written about this before and all but, please, PLEASE. President Obama has made but a spate of comments along these lines; America sometimes being arrogant (fairly factual, in my opinion), America acting unilaterally (again, probably factual), etc.. And he always, ALWAYS, makes these comments within the context of infinitely broader speeches, speeches in which he always criticizes the rest of the world, too.........................................................................................Of course, the motivation is obvious here. The far-right wants to portray the President as weak; weak on terror, weak in general. And, yes, to embarrass him, too. It's ridiculous and, yeah, maybe even a little bit despicable..........................................................................................P.S. Yes, folks, the President does from time to time play with the language here. But, really, does it matter all that much whether or not we call it a "war on terror" (this, I'm saying, as opposed to, say, a struggle against armed extremists)? I mean, really, does it?


  1. Will,
    what frustrates me is, I opposed pretty much everything the Bush administration did. IMO I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't hold Obama to the same standards.
    I can make, again IMO, a pretty convincing case against his foreign/domestic policy.
    When the wingnut right makes the type of accusations you mention, along with the birther crap I end up defending him and I'm SICK of it.
    I don't defend the president cause I'm an Obama fan, it's cause I'm a fan of the truth.
    Frustrates the hell outta me.

  2. Oso I understand your frustration, however I defend the president because I am a fan, and I am also a fan of the truth. I think he is taking a lot of unnecessary and potential harmful grief from some on the left. All they are doing is creating allies, in they spirit of an emperor who has no clothes. Great post Will!

  3. Will,
    slightly off-topic perhaps but....what a game man! BSU's D came thru.It's been improving the last year. The fake punt was what did it.

  4. Hi gents. Oso, I guess that I'm referring here to people like Hannity, Rush (who I think would have a halfway decent show if he stayed away from such hyperbole), and, yes, even Charles Krauthammer. These guys don't even think that the President ties his shoes correctly.

  5. Oso, I think that Boise State was far more psyched to be there. According to what I've been hearing, a lot of the TCU players really wanted to play Florida. Oops!

  6. Not feeling in a very good mood at the moment but pertaining to the right wing doing everything they can to make Obama look weak. All I can say is that turn about can be a real bitch so whomever on their side wins in 2012 (I believe Obama will lose) be ready for the shit to hit the fan right after inauguration.

    One thing the rightwingers either forget or want to ignore is that a vast majority of African-American and Hispanic-Americans voted for the man and I can assure you how Obama is being treated has been noticed.

    My closest co-workers are African-American and they realize Obama has screwed the pooch on several issues but they also feel he was attacked right out of the gates by a bunch of largely white good-old boys. And as far as they are concerned Michael Steele is commonly referenced by two terms I will not use.

    On a more logical and reasonable level this political tit-for-tat we are going through in this country is highly corrosive to its well being and I increasingly feel the very foundation of the country is being undermined with the ultimate results a possible nightmare.

  7. Will, sorry for the tone in that comment.

  8. One of the distinctions that I make, double b (and,yes, I believe that I've heard you make a similar one), is to separate the traditional/thoughtful conservatives from the much, MUCH, more unstable neocons/hard-core religious right. It's the latter, in my mind, that are ruining the Republican party, maybe the country, too.


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