Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Drooling (Literally) For Attention/Relevance

I have literally no idea what Dick Cheney is talking about. Yes, President Obama wants to close the prison at Guantanamo. But so did President Bush....and so does Senator McCain. Yes, President Obama sought to eliminate water-boarding as an interrogation technique. But so, too, did President Bush. Ditto, Senator McCain. Yes, President Obama thinks that this Nigerian born terrorist ought to be tried in an American court. But so, apparently, did President Bush think similarly when it came to shoe-bomber Richard Reid. I mean, seriously here.............................................................................................And, yes, speaking of being "weak on terror", was it not the Bush folks who actually did the premature releasing of these terror suspects? CERTAINLY, you've got pundits like Charles Krauthammer trying to soften the blow - this, by saying that George Bush was simply trying to appease the left here (it was the fault of the left, in other words)....and that the right did in fact criticise Bush for this action (they actually didn't....or they did it so fast that I blinked and missed it). But, clearly, it doesn't persuade, even a little............................................................................................In fact, folks, all that these people are attempting to do (Cheney, especially) is to tar/weaken the President. It's an unseemly enterprise and, yes, it should probably stop. I mean, seriously here; 30,000 additional troops in Afghanistan, a rock-solid increase in the Defense budget, an INCREASE in predator drone strikes in Pakistan, the assemblage of a strong foreign policy team (replete with Bush's own Secretary of Defense), a continuation of rendition, warrant-less wire-taps, indefinite incarceration, etc.. Yes, friends, that security breach in the Netherlands was major scary (not to mention Napolitano's reaction to it). But to say that this President is weak on terror - that is nothing but rank hyperbole.


  1. The whole situation on both the left and right, for different reasons, makes me sick. I'm sort of taking a break from the usual smelly verbal emissions coming from both sides.

  2. I guess I'm a glutton for punishment, double b. Though, yes, after listening to Cheney's daughter spew her indecipherable attacks at the President (this morning on John King's Sunday morning CNN show), I definitely understand your need to take a break from it all. Pretty nasy it's gettin', for sure.


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