Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What Happens When You Watch JFK Too Many Times

This, Lydia, THIS, is what we are asked to believe. Voltron, in some sinister effort to fool his "adversaries" (two guys, basically), has created this moderate alter-ego; namely, me. And, yes, this same sinister Voltron, who evidently has a lot of spare time on his hands (this, in spite of having to drive a truck 50-60 hours a week), has even gone as far as to fabricate a blog by this persona ("Contra O'Reilly", by Will "take no prisoners" Hart - 734 posts and counting), gone to a significant number of other blogs (many of which are liberal, btw) using this persona, and, yes, written a bunch of stuff that he actually doesn't believe - AGAIN, just to fool a couple of dudes! I mean, if this isn't a clear-cut case of paranoia, then, really, I don't know what is..........................................................................................P.S. Just for some added perspective here, I would have to say that only 10-15% of my overall blogging actually takes place at Lydia's (your) site. The other 85-90% takes place either on my blog or on other blog sites (again, a large chunk of which are liberal sites). So, yes, YES, what this contributor is literally saying is that this 85-90% - these particular (mostly moderate) writings - only exist as a ruse/deception/an attempt to convince these two inordinately marginal individuals that, YES, I am in fact a fair/decent guy. Of course, they also completely see through the deception/recognize me....for what I TRULY am; a right-wing ideologue of nasty/epic proportions.............................................................................................Oh, and, yes, if you actually take the time to examine those 734 posts of mine, I'm pretty sure you'll see (unless, of course, YOU'RE a paritsan) that I at least try to be fair and consistent. I mean, sure, if you're a paranoid cherry-picker then, yes, you probably could make a case either way. But, BUT, if you're an honest consumer of information, I'm saying.

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