Monday, November 16, 2009

The High Price of Consensus/Letter to Lydia

Lydia, whenever I get criticized by a hard-core partisan like this (i.e., Cliffy/the dull contributor), I tend to take it as a badge of honor. It basically means that I'm doing my job, touching all those mealy-mouthed tender spots, etc.......................................................................................Oh, and, yes, for the record, it doesn't matter whether that criticism comes from the left or the right. Nope, not at all. Hell, I was just as proud when that conservative blogger, Gadfly, excoriated me. Yep, you got it - that individual accused me of being a (drum-roll, please) LIBERAL TROLL; a frigging member of the Obama police (I guess because I defended Obama - who frigging knows!), for Christ!..........................................................................................Now, look, I know you're in kind of a delicate position here. These guys are your contributors and, yes, they DO tend to agree with you politically. But, Lydia, please, hear me out here. THEY ARE NOT GOOD FOR BUSINESS. I mean, think about it for a minute. Your blog used to have a fair amount of traffic on it. Now it's just basically Larry and Moe....pissing on the grave of Voltron. It's, to say the least. bizarre.


  1. You want some cheese with that whine?

  2. PS Voltron's dead?

    Sorry to hear it, now who is gonna run the sock puppet brigade?

  3. Will,you have got to be an absolute gultton for punishment.

    Why do you even go over to LC and try to reason with thoses idiots?

    Worf is a 50 plus year old with no life other then blogging.

    Clif got drummed out of the Army on the dont ask dont tell policy and claims its a disability.

    Mike is just nuts,plain and simple.

    That blog is now a three person chat room.

  4. That's very good question, double c. I would like to commend Mike, though, for staying off the dog-pile. Maybe he isn't quite as conspiratorial. And, Lydia, apart from the partisanship, seems like a decent egg.


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