Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Keen Discernments of the Sweetest Kind

Alfred Hitchcock is obviously one of the greatest film directors in movie history. I really don't think that there's a question about that. This, in that, starting from his early films like "The 39 Steps" and "Rebecca", all the way to his now classic "Psycho", Hitchcock's canon is as memorable as anybody's this side of Frank Capra............................................................................Of course, what's probably most impressive to me (me and a lot of the other shallow-thinking 50 something fellows out there) is just what an eye THIS FELLOW had for the ladies. I mean, just frigging think about it for a sec. You've got Ruth Roman (Strangers on a Train), Ingrid Bergman (Spellbound, Notorious), Vera Miles and Janet Leigh (Psycho), Eva Marie Saint (North by Northwest), Ann Baxter (I Confess), Joan Fontaine (Rebecca, Suspicion), Kim Novak (Vertigo), and, yes, perhaps the master's own personal favorite, Grace Kelly (Dial M for Murder, Rear Window, To Catch a Thief). A pretty impressive stock of beauties, wouldn't you say?.........................................................................................As to my own personal favorite (Hitchcock Hottie), I'm going to have to respectfully utter none of the above. This, in that my numero uno is the incredibly beautiful/smokingly hot Teresa Wright. Her presence took what was already a can't-miss/awesome film (Shadow of a Doubt) WAY into the stratosphere - a really kicking performance, my friends. And like I may have mentioned in a previous posting, her ass was incredibly bitching, too.

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