Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Dung of a Rectum

"I take this opportunity to express extreme gratification that you were able to restore normal order after the recent incidents in People's China. I wish you, close friends, more progress in your endeavor to achieve the hopes, goals, aspirations, stability and security of our friends, the Chinese people."........You know who made these comments, folks? Yasser Arafat made these comments. And, yeah, the son of a bitch made 'em right after the Tienanmen Square massacre in 1989. I mean, come on, if this doesn't tell us what a frigging low-life Arafat was, LITERALLY NOTHING COULD.................................................................................................And the thing is, folks, this is hardly the only example of Arafat throwing his support to such a vulgar despotism. So, too, he's had similar kind words for pigs such as Saddam Hussein, Muammar Khadafi, Fidel Castro, etc., etc.. I mean, I don't know, it's almost as if these frigging dirt-bags have had a club or something. Me, I can practically see it now, Arafat, high-fiving Zemin for the latter's having cracked the skulls of those peaceful demonstrators, for Christ! I, folks, personally find this whole matter QUITE disturbing - the fact that Arafat is still thought of highly by people, especially.


  1. Here's a news flash Arafat's been dead for a while.
    Just thought you'd like to know.

  2. True, but I still like to provide perspective on the fella'.

  3. Sounds like he's almost stooping to the level of Sharon,Meir or Leiberman.

  4. Liebermann has at times disappointed me over the years. But as far as I know, he's never murdered anybody. And it was the Palestinians who created the climate for Ariel Sharon's election - pissing on the hard work of President Clinton, rejecting what even Price Bandar recognized as a generous peace offer, and starting an intifada.


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