Thursday, November 26, 2009

Good Night/For Nothing and Good Luck (You're Going to Need It)

If Keith Olbermann is as much of an admirer of great journalism/hard news as he professes, then, yes, folks, he has to be outraged that his own increasingly biased program is dominating (ratings-wise) that of CNN's Campbell Brown. This, in that, she, Campbell Brown is actually doing what HE, Keith Olbermann, still professes to admire - a fair and unbiased presentation of the facts in which both sides are encouraged to argue their case.............................................................................................This is not to say that Ms. Brown is perfect/completely unbiased. She isn't. None of us are. But, PLEASE, compared to Mr.s Olbermann, Hannity, and, yes, folks, even Billy Boy, HER PERFORMANCE (along with the writing staff, of course) has been extraordinary.........................................................................................For example, during a recent interview she did with Obama adviser, Valerie Jarrett, Campbell pressed her. "Yes, we all know that you and the administration think that Fox News is biased. But, really, what about MSNBC? Do you also think that they're biased?" WOW, you want to talk about making somebody red/tap-dance. Let's just say that mission was accomplished.


  1. Yeah, MSNBC is biased, and well Fox goes without saying. In defense of both MSNBC and even Fox I'll go out on a limb and say a certain amount of bias reporting isn't necessarily a bad thing. Both networks have a right to make position statements,in my opinion sort of like newspapers still do even though the appear to heading the way of the dinosaurs.

    I'm not perfectly comfortable with what I just wrote but hey, the world is often a bucket full of shit with the handles on the inside.

    Cause often both networks cross that line when opinion becomes propaganda and, in my opinion about Fox particularly, they move into actual hatemongering. But believe it or not I will give O'Reilly credit in that I do see signs of him at least attempting to be fair in some cases. Now Hannity, Beck, and the little weasels on Fox and Friends are all on my personal shit list. On MSNBC Ed Shultz is right up there with Limbaugh as far as being in looneytune land.

    Long story short I have largely stopped watching cable news. Everyone seems perfectly happy wallowing in a cesspool of tabloid crap wasting a perfectly good venue for real discussions on issues. I watch Brian Williams, the guy on PBS whose name escapes me right now, BBC America, and NPR.

    I will make one exception to MSNBC, I watch it whenever that beauty Alex Witt is on. Something about her causes me to fall down in front and of the screen worship.

  2. Beieve it or not (back at you, double b), I agree with you on O'Reilly. He HAS gotten better. He actually asked Palin if she thought that she was smart enough to be President. I mean, seriously, can you ever imagine Hannity, Beck, or even Greta asking her that? As for Fox and Friends, yeah, I agree there, too - very shameless. Alex Witt, huh? Not bad. I have to admit, though, that I much preferred Chris Jansing. I think she's a correspondent on the regular NBC now. I really need to check it out.

  3. "A judgemental and mostly uninformed bitch." I love it! Why don't you tell us how you really feel, Mike? LOL Seriously, though, let's, just for the sake of argument, say that you're right. I would counter by saying that at least she's a fair and balanced judgemental and mostly....


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