Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Do as I Say

I try and stay away from dog-piles. I don't know, they just don't seem all that interesting to me. Like with Sarah Palin, for instance. No, I don't find her a terribly persuasive candidate. I've said on several occasions that the woman lacks gravitas. I've admitted that she probably lied (the "bridge to nowhere", etc.) and has also used hyperbole (death panels). I've also specified that I'd probably never vote for her (just the fact that she doesn't believe in evolution). But that's about it, folks. I don't really feel the need to utter the term, idiot, 10,000 times........................................................................................And, yes, folks, I've also felt kind of the same way about ACORN. I.E., I've recognized that the organization clearly has its faults/conceded that maybe the funding should be cut (hell, even Barney Frank has come around to this position). This, while, at the same time, I haven't called for a Jihad..........................................................................................Unfortunately, a few of the more recent things that I've learned about ACORN DO trouble me. ACORN, folks, constantly pushes for city-wide increases in the minimum wage. They also fight to get workers organized. But, apparently, when it comes to their own organization, there seem to be some documented cases in which they've fought AGAINST these supposedly cherished principles - NOT paying the minimum wage, NOT allowing their workers to organize (multiple cases in California, especially)...............................................................................................I don't know, folks, this sounds like a clear-cut case of hypocrisy to me. And, yes, if we're going to take the time to lambaste stooges such as Ensign and Sanford (this, for their espousing of family values, while, at the same time, poontanging women the side), then, clearly, we absolutely have to stick it to ACORN, too. We certainly shouldn't be funnelling more money to them.


  1. Will,
    I'd read about ACORN blocking the SEIU from organizing among their workers,since settled though.Might be in line with what you said.

    Taken as a whole I think ACORN does really good work. IMO if you dug around any group-phone company,target,Akron city council,any high school,etc you could dig up as much dirt as ACORN has.

    So I agree,no need to pile on.

    Al Groh would be a different matter though.

  2. Hi, Oso. Yeah, I don't know, to me, it's all kind of playing out rather predictably. The right is spinning to make them look contemptable, and the left is spinning to shamelessly defend them. I'm sure (as is almost always the case) that the truth lies somewhere in between. The one conclusion that I have drawn is that maybe pressure/special interest groups like this (on both sides of the political spectrum) shouldn't get anymore of our tax money - especially now (huge deficits, a struggling economy, etc.).


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