Sunday, October 11, 2009

There's More to a Pulpy Mess Than Meets the Eye

It's a fact, folks. There were more Palestinians killed during the second intifada than Jews. The final tallies, I believe, were around 800 dead Israelis and 2,000 dead Palestinians. And while nobody that I know is disputing these numbers, a strong case could also be made regarding their deceptiveness. 1) The Palestinian figure includes (unfairly, in my opinion) the blown up bodies of suicide bombers themselves. 2) The Jewish number doesn't take into account the fact that many of the attempted terrorist plots were foiled. It's not like the Palestinians weren't trying to kill more than 800. 3) The Palestinian number is heightened by the fact that terrorists frequently use civilians as human shields/place their headquarters and/or bomb-making facilities in residential areas - shamelessly so, for Christ! 4) The Palestinian figure also includes civilians caught in the crossfire - even when it is totally unclear from which side the killing shot came. 5) The disparity between Israeli and Palestinian deaths is also a function of the differential way in which the two sides allocate health care. The Israelis immediately take their wounded to Israeli hospitals. The Palestinians, not having similar facilities on their side, refuse to do so (i.e., take their wounded to Israeli hospitals) - this, despite the fact that Israeli hospitals DO NOT DISCRIMINATE. It's absolutely beyond dispute that many of these 2,000 Palestinians could have been saved. The only thing preventing that was Palestinian hatred. I mean, how frigging sad is that, huh?.......................................................................................P.S. It also must be pointed out that the Palestinian Authority clearly had the capacity to improve the Palestinian health care system. This entity has been given approximately 6 billion in international aid over the years. Apparently, they've squandered this money on other "priorities".


  1. The IDF regularly kill Red Crescent ambulance drivers.They also hold the ambulance drivers back until an area is secure,which usually means the Palestinians have died.

    Certainly the Palestinians would gladly trade homemade rockets and suicide belts for F-15's and Apache helicopters and tanks.

    I'd also really question the figures,the Israeli kill ratio is usually around 10 to 1 or higher. 800 Israelis seems awfully high to me.Keep in mind the IDF only performs well when killing civilians,it is no longer the IDF of the six-day war.When they fight an enemy who can defend itself (Hizbuallah)they lose badly.

    Near as I can determine the IDF makes no effort to avoid killing civilians,often using them as human shields when going into Palestinian neighborhoods.

  2. It might help if Red Crescent ambulance drivers didn't routinely carry suicide bombers and explosives.

    The IDF might perform better as well if our government and the UN would get off their backs and on the right side for a change.

    As near as I can determine, your ability to determine is extremely faulty.

  3. Yeah, the only reason that they stop ambulences is because they've been used by terrorists as armored vehicles. The Israelis never target civilians. And when there is a questionable action, it is examined by authorities. The person isn't made into a hero by the same people who did a victory dance after 9/11. Compare this to Hamas and the Al Aksa Martyrs Brigade which intentionally target women and children....Like I said before, Oso, I definitely felt that the Hizbollah war (while justified) was idiotic/counterproductive. I am not always about praising Israel. But, yes, when you look at their values and compare them to the vileness in the Hamas Charter/what is taught in Hamas schools/what is contained in the Arabic translation of basically any Arafat speech (this, as opposed to the bullshit he constantly fed to the West in English), I'm sorry, I kind of have to favor Israel here.

  4. P.S. Welcome back gentlemen. Spirited discussion, as always.

  5. 'when you look at their values and compare them to'

    That doesn't work Will

    We built the F-15s and white phosphorus they knowingly attacked civilians with.

  6. I don't it's ever been proven that they purposefully attack civilians. I do, however, think that it's been proven that the terrorists knowingly place their headquarters amongst the populace. It's a calculation on their part, 1138. They know that the more of THEIR civilians that die, the more that the world will gang up on Israel. This is not to say that Israel doesn't overreact at times. They do. But certainly not any more than we do....or the English do....or the Russians....


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