Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Danger of Idiocy

I don't know about the rest of the states, but Connecticut has a law against hand-held cell-phone use while driving. And, yes, me-buckos, being that they now say that this irresponsible behavior is responsible for over 6,000 deaths per year, I for one support the law. The only problem is that the police apparently aren't enforcing it. I mean, just on my 5 mile ride to work alone, I see 8-10 of these idiots driving while talking on their damn cell-phones. And you know that a large chunk of them are probably texting, too. It's all damned extraordinarily aggravating, I think....................................................................................I mean, I know that we can't have a patrol car at every corner looking for drivers talking on cell-phones. But certainly we can do a lot better than what we've done so far. We should at least treat it as seriously as the seat-belt laws (laws through which we've clearly been successful in terms of changing behavior)......................................................................................How about this for a proposal? We 1) enforce the law and 2) put some frigging teeth into it; I don't know, how 'bout $500 for the first offense, $1,000 for the second offense, and, yes, a one year suspended licence for the third one. I mean, think about it here, folks. For something that the experts are now saying (the texting component, especially) is worse than drinking while driving, don't you think that we should start taking it seriously? I certainly do.......................................................................................P.S. For those of you who may in fact miss this strange form of idiocy, take heart/scurry on over to your neighborhood grocery store aisle. There's a man sized helping of it there, too.


  1. Well how about we outlaw eating, drinking, putting on makeup, fiddling with the radio, talking to the other people in the car, and scratching yourself while driving also. All of these things have led to car accidents and distract drivers. Cell phones are not any more distracting than anything else going on in a car.

  2. I don't see a lot of people putting on make-up or eating but, yeah, if a cop sees you do it, absolutely, pull 'em over. And, plus, cell-phone use IS illegal. I don't particularly care for it when people flaunt the law.

  3. They don't enforce the applicable laws on the books, adding yet another law won't improve the situation.

  4. We DO have a law in CT. It's just treated like a joke, that's all.


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