Monday, August 17, 2009

Oh, the Nausea

I hate to say it, folks. But all of that righteous indignation in the blogosphere is starting to get to me. This, of course, isn't to say that talk-radio and cable-"news" is appreciably better (CNN in my mind, the exception). But at least these guys scan be traced, have sponsors, bosses, etc. and, because of that, there's at least the possibility of a filter. These clowns who act as independent bloggers, seriously, we're talking pretty much anything and everything (Obama's a racist, McCain's a racist, Obama's not an American, McCain has Alzheimer's) goes..............................................................................And it isn't just the mean-spiritedness, either. This, I'm saying, in that, YOUZA!, these frigging clowns are as partisan as they come. And, yes, me-buckos, the liberals are just as bad (can you say, Cliffy?) as the conservatives. I mean, I don't know about you folks, but I've always associated liberalism with open-mindedness, a strong penchant NOT to stereotype, label, categorize, etc.. I've certainly never associated it with this frigging bull-crap.............................................................................Of course, I'd be very remiss if I didn't mention as well their extreme lack of fire-power, intellectually. These idiots basically see everything as either liberal-good, conservative bad or vice versa. No nuance. Zero! And no common ground, either. THAT, I'm afraid to say, is a total non-starter. A sign of weakness, too, apparently.


  1. Will,

    What you're talking about hasn't dissapeared. It's called "Classical Liberalism"...

    Google it or read Wikipedia for a good description.

  2. Volt, I much, MUCH prefer this classical form of liberalism. LOL

  3. common ground...A sign of weakness... Will, you couldn't be more right. I finally added you to our links. Thanks to No. 44, my compadre on Swiftspeech, we can start adding friends.

    Voltron, I always liked your avatar. Yes, Classical Liberalism: I need to read about this concept more closely, so I can't make an intelligent comment about this political theory.

    Will, your comment on pharmaceuticals and whatever the new single-payer health care system becomes, is on target. I've become more interested in H.R. 676 as a better alternative than H.R. 3200.

    It's always fun to visit here. Ann Coulter (shudder) once commented that those who sit on the fence are ignorant because they can't make up their minds.

    I think people who sit on the fence are smart because they carefully consider the matter at hand and can't dialog civilly with anyone. That's what I always like about visiting here.

  4. Thank you, Stella. I hope I don't alienate your more liberal friends. On foreign policy and social issues, I shouldn't. On the economy, though, I might (from time to time).

  5. Thank you Stella.
    That was very good article too.

    I suggest you don't tell your friends about me though because unlike Will I will alienate them thoroughly...



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