Sunday, August 16, 2009

Missing Easy Targets

I don't particularly want to get into the habit of defending Nancy Pelosi. Specifically speaking, I find the woman to be far more partisan than she is intelligent and, yes, I'm telling you also, I'm not quite sure that I trust her, either. But, yes, she, just like anybody else, doesn't deserve to be lied about. Sean Hannity, in one of his typical rants against the left, accused Ms. Pelosi of saying that those who protest against the Democratic health-care proposal are "anti-American". She said nothing of the sort. She said that shouting people down at town meetings is anti-American. Kind of a big difference, no?...............................................................................This, of course, isn't to say that the use of the term, anti-American, was prudent/a good choice. Clearly, anti-American is a highly loaded term that she probably should have avoided. But, still, if Mr. Hannity hopes to jump in and score some political points here, then, yes, he really ought to take the time to get his facts straight, too. I mean, he is sort of a journalist, right?


  1. Will, you're missing a real elitist show on LC's. By the lady her own self.

    I'm deeply evil and the tea party protesters and town hall people are (and I quote) "low-class, uneducated, unenlightened, amoral, immoral, disgusting people..."

  2. I'm so burnt out on those guys, Volt. Oh, hell, maybe I will check it out. LOL A person can't get too much liberal love, right?

  3. It's stopped now. I think they realized finally that I'm beyond hope...LOL

    (Oh and check out the Donahue link I posted...really good stuff.)

  4. "he is sort of a journalist, right?"


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. My short hand yardstick is to judge people by their enemies. My that standard, I'll take Pelosi's back 24-7.

  7. Agreed 1138. But he is on a cable news (yes, I know, that that's debateable, too) network and there should be some sort of fact checking mechanism. One would hope anyway.

  8. Nancy Pelosi and Sean Hannity? I think I'd rather have Colin Powell and Campbell Brown.

  9. "there should be some sort of fact checking mechanism"

    I think it's called the other networks.

    AND the FCC, which hasn't done it's job in some time.
    The fairness doctrine used to serve this purpose exactly.


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