Sunday, July 5, 2009

Thinking Outside the State

I have absolutely no idea what Sarah Palin is doing here, folks. I mean, sure, if she's decided that she's flat-out sick of politics, wants to pack it in, etc., fine. That I understand (and, no, I can't really blame her, either - the way that she's been mistreated by the press, etc.). If, however, she still has an ultimate design on the Presidency, then, no, what the governor's doing here is utterly incomprehensible (to me, anyway).............................................................................I mean, think about it here. What is it that Mrs. Palin needs more than anything else? Yeah, that's right, something to put on her resume! And, yes, me-buckos, what could be better for that than finishing off her first term as Alaska's governor? Now I understand that a lot of people are saying that this decision will free her up so she can start campaigning. But come on, it's only 2009, and we're only half way through it!! She would, if in fact she finished her term, have ample time to put together an operation..................................................................................Of course, an even more damaging aspect to this decision is the fact that it allows her political adversaries (and, yes, there are many, MANY, of them out there - OF BOTH PARTIES!!) to label her a quitter. That characterization alone could sink her. We'll just have to see, though, huh?

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