Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Like Bubbles on a Shotgun

Hey, Congressman King, why don't you tell us what you REALLY think about Michael Jackson? LOL..................................................................Seriously, though, did you have the chance to catch any of that little beat-down? Talk about a major-league bitch-slapping, huh? I mean, don't get me wrong here. I was never a big Michael Jackson fan, either. At the very least, I considered the guy a schlockmeister - and, yes, an inappropriate one, at that (this, I'm saying, in that, even if he didn't molest children, he brought them into his bed, for Christ!) But, come on (I wanted to tell the congressman), they haven't even buried this poor guy yet. And as even someone as bellicose as Pat Buchanan has stated, when the good Lord has his hands on a person, it's probably time for the rest of us to let go. I mean, don't you think so - at least for a while?


  1. Will, I think you should read this and react...

  2. Hi Vig. Yeah, I've heard a lot about Jackson's father, and none of it has been too complimentary. I don't know, I guess unless we walk in a another person's shoes.


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