Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Steeper Hills, Less Gas to Go Up Them

There's this one thing about "Cap and Trade" (i.e., the energy bill recently passed by the House) that seriously puzzles me. How do all of these things lessen global warming if China, India, etc. continue to grow (their economies) and pollute with impunity? And couldn't this legislation even go as far as to increase the level of greenhouse gasses that some of these companies emit? This, I'm saying, in that, what if some of these businesses decide that they need to go overseas for survival - and, yes, to a country that has even lesser air quality standards than we do? Talk about the law of unintended consequences, huh?.......................................................................And then, of course, there's the economic unfairness of it. We're asking American companies and individuals to make a series of sacrifices that these other emerging super-powers AREN'T making. And we're doing it in the middle of the worst economic down-turn in decades. I don't know. It just doesn't make any sense to me.

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