Friday, July 3, 2009

Blunt Message to Hadley

So, Mike, you think you've never lost an argument, huh? Wow. That's some interesting (not to mention egotistical, self-serving, delusional, etc.) shit you got there, bro. But you know who else thinks that they've never lost an argument? I'll tell you. Children. Yeah, that's right, Mike. Children NEVER, EVER, think that they're wrong. And, while, yes, sometimes they're actually kinda cute when get that way (well, especially when they're not YOUR kids), you, Mike, you're in your frigging 30s. It isn't anywhere near that cute when you do it ("look at me, I'm right again, yada, yada, yada"). Sorry, but it isn't........................................................................In all seriousness, though, these are extremely complicated issues. And, no, me-bucko, not a one of them seems to have a perfect solution, either. Take the current health-care crisis, for instance. Yes, Mike, there ARE advantages to a single-payer health-care system. But, unfortunately, so, too, are there disadvantages. It is ALL about intellectual honesty, bro. This, I'm saying, in that, yes, argue for your positions and all, but, please, so, too, hold out for at least the slightest possibility that you might in fact be wrong. BECAUSE, believe me, there's a rock-solid 50% chance that you may be.

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