Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Hands That Feed

It was telling to find out that some of committee chairman Max Baucus's major contributors work for the health insurance and pharmaceutical industries. It's a little bit scary, too..........................................................................I mean, don't get me wrong here. I personally have no idea how to fix this health-care crisis. I look at all the proposals and, yes, virtually every single one of them is flawed. Yes, they all have pluses. But they also all have minuses. My only real point here is that with politicians like Baucus (and, no, folks, he is clearly not the only one who's taking this type of money), true reform of any kind is probably not going to be possible.........................................................................P.S. This, folks, was not at all easy for me. This, I'm saying, in that Senator Baucus (finance committee chair) is one of the few U.S. Senators that I like. He's a moderate, "blue-dog" Democrat/deficit-hawk. I tend to like those types of politicians. But money - that has the potential to corrupt ANYBODY, even the good ones.

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