Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Discount Victim

I wonder what that white dyslexic fire-fighter from New Haven Connecticut thinks about Judge Sotomayor's "empathy". My suspicion is not very much (maybe something to do with the fact that he was reamed by it - granted, I'm guessing)..........................................................................Oh, and, yeah, to those of you who claim not to "give a rat's ass" about this fellow, I ask you, what if it was your father? What if he was your frigging husband, for Christ? Or your son? Or your brother? Would you still have such a cavalier attitude? My suspicion (and, yes, I obviously could be wrong here) is that you wouldn't. Here's to hoping that you wouldn't, anyway.


  1. I found it a bit unsettling when
    the far left loons began attacking
    the firemen.But then again that is their M.O. after all.

  2. They went after HIM? Oh, my God. He didn't even say that he was against Sotomayor. He just testified on that one particular case.


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