Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Thin (Albeit Impenetrable) Line

I don't know, folks, I think it's gotten to the point where these labels and demarcations (left, right, liberal, conservative) have become essentially meaningless. I mean, was it a series of "conservative" actions by George Bush that ran up all these budget deficits? And what about his 700 BILLION dollar plan to bail out the banks? Was THAT conservative? And was the preemptive war in Iraq a conservative action - SERIOUSLY?.................................................................Couple that, me-buckos, with the fact that we now have a Democratic president who apparently doesn't have a problem with rendition, warrantless wire-taps, a huge residual force being left in Iraq, drones continuing to be sent into Northern Pakistan, etc., and, yeah, so, too, does this all confusion grow..................................................................Now this, of course, isn't to say that there aren't huge differences between the parties (philosophically speaking); the Democrats genuinely believing that the federal government can and should promote social justice just being one. But, I'm telling you, folks, the money, it goes to both parties, and both parties clearly have been corrupted by it. I mean, just look at the doo-doo that Chris Dodd's been sliding into, for example. ..................................................................I don't know, folks, as much as I hate to say it, I'm actually starting to long for those days of divided government; Clinton, Gingrich, the whole big frigging bunch of them back then. I mean, sure, nothing of a revolutionary nature ever materialized but, still, nothing really all that bad happened, either. Now, I know I should give the Dems a little more time to get it together and all....and I will. But, please, my fellow bloggers on that side of the aisle, try and keep these folks at least a little disciplined. For their own good, I'm saying. So they don't end up getting voted out of office, I'm saying (a la the Republicans). So we don't end up as a debtor nation, I'm saying. Etc..


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. They outhustled us. They outexecuted us. And they outcoached us. Good for them. Maybe this will give the state of Michigan something to rally around during the tough economy.


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