Friday, April 3, 2009

Sometimes a Slippery-Slope is Just a Place Where People Go Sliding

I don't know, folks, if embryonic stem-cell research is as bad as President Bush/the Religious Right say that it is, then, really, shouldn't we be considering banning it completely (this, as opposed to merely halting federal funding for it)? I mean, seriously, if it is in fact tantamount to a murderous act of sorts, then how, pray-tell, should we even be allowing it at all? And what about all those thousands of times when the stem-cells end up just getting tossed - how is that act ALONE not considered by these folks a holocaust?................................................................I don't know, folks, I think that if the religious right were in any way consistent on the matter, they would actually want to address the bigger picture here. Hell, I'd go as far as to say that if in fact they TRULY had the power of their convictions, they would want to close down fertility clinics, period. I mean, seriously, are they not in a certain sense (the logic being carried to its conclusion, obviously) equivalent to a killing field?...................................................................Look, people, I actually do understand the controversy as it pertains to federal funding. People really don't want their tax dollars going to something that they find morally reprehensible. I get it. But those same people have understand that they're not alone in these types of laments. I personally was against the Bush administration's actions in Iraq. I would have greatly preferred that my tax dollars not support that. But they did. And, yes, folks, that was bloody that.


  1. And THAT is a brilliant observation! No, I'm just kidding. Seriously, though, thank you, Lydia.

  2. Brilliant until Cliffy comes by to call it a word salad....LOL

  3. I would expect nothing less from the Clifmeister, Volt. LOL


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