Monday, April 27, 2009

Man On a Mission

Look, folks, I know that Sean Hannity doesn't care for the President. That's fine. I'm totally fine with that. It's a free country and he has total liberty to like or dislike anybody. I even share some some of his concerns (runaway spending, etc.). But it's gotten to the point of critical mass, in my opinion - the ridiculous nature of the hyperbole, especially (he's almost starting to make Olbermann look measured).....................................................................Just the other night, for Christ, he punctuated one of his silly segments by saying that Obama was 1) cozying up to some of the world's worst dictators and 2) decimating America's military power. An exaggeration and a lie, in other words. Please, allow me...................................................................First of all, folks, all Obama did was shake Chavez's hand and take a book from the SOB. What in the hell was he, Obama, supposed to do - not shake his hand, throw the stupid book back in his face? And as even Hannity's Fox News colleague, Bill O'Reilly, showed, there was actually additional footage of Obama admonishing Chavez (the exact opposite of what a sane person would call "cozying up")......................................................................And as for all of this decimating the military stuff, Obama is actually increasing military spending (I think by 21 billion). He and Gates are just spending the money differently - focusing more and more on anti-terror strategies than on cold war weaponry. This is something that Hannity should applaud, for Christ! But he won't. Such, apparently, has his hatred of Obama grown, festered, etc..

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