Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Bush-Hitler-Bradley Hadley Axis of Evil

To compare, folks (as a spate of lunatic bloggers on the left have clearly been doing these days), the water-boarding of a handful of Islamic extremists (which, I totally agree, was wrong and shouldn't have been done) to the willful genocide of the Jews by Nazi Germany isn't just moronic, it's offensive as well. And, yes, when you couple that with the apparent reality that Democrats, too, had been thoroughly briefed on these "measures", damned if the outrage doesn't start to ring at least a little hollow........................................................................And what about, too, folks, the copious amount of crap/stunts that previous presidents have pulled during similar times of emergency? Are we to completely ignore all of that as well? I mean, just look at Franklin Delano Roosevelt. This darling of the left took it upon himself to "intern" over 120,000 Japanese-Americans during World War 2 - 62% of whom were, hello, UNITED STATES CITIZENS!! Talk about some collective punishment, huh? I mean, seriously, can you imagine if President Bush had tried to institute something like this after 9/11?...............................................................Bottom-line, folks, criticize the former president. Underscore (forcefully, if you absolutely feel the need to) his questionable judgements, miscues, etc.. But, seriously, try and keep the Nazi innuendo to a minimum - if nothing else than for your own sake (looking less the part of an mean-spirited idiot, etc.).

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