Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Poisonous Cleats

In summation, folks, Barney Frank 1) fought every attempt to regulate Fannie and Freddie, 2) got tons of campaign cash FROM these entities, and 3) has an ex-lover who was the director of housing initiatives for Fannie Mae. Oh, and in case you think that that third one is a cheap shot, it was Frank himself (in an effort to justify the left's pissing on Sarah Palin and her teenage daughter) who said that "family life should be fair game for campaign discussions.".............................................................I also think it should be stated, folks, that Congressman Frank's roots on this issue are excessively deep. Back in 1991, the Boston Globe (normally a paper sympathetic to the left) reported that Frank pushed those at Fannie Mae to LOOSEN REGULATIONS on mortgages for two and three family homes, even though these particular dwellings were defaulting at two and five times the rate of single family homes. And in 1994, when President Clinton attempted to impose new regulations on Fanny, damned if Frank didn't succeed in thwarting him, too. This is from Clinton himself, folks. "I think the responsibility that the Democrats have may rest more in resisting any efforts by Republicans in Congress or by me when I was president, to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac." Bill Clinton, me-buckos, a pretty darn good president, I think. Well, except for....


  1. Will said "In summation, folks, Barney Frank 1) fought every attempt to regulate Fannie and Freddie"

    Can YOU PROVE THIS Will.............If the repugs controlled Congress from 1994-2006 EXACTLY WHAT could Barney Frank have done to FORCE the controlling repug majority to NOT regulate Fannie and Freddie.

    You Cant just make shit up and lie Will Congress makes the laws.........there are records of EVERYTHING Congress does so either you can PROVE Frank Stopped regulation or your lying or spinning dishonest Right Wing talking points WHICH IS IT.

  2. Wow.

    Speaking of projection, Lydia evidently isn't content with poking sticks at Ann Coulter anymore.

    Now she's picking a fight with Ayn Rand of all people.

    After thousands of years of history have these people learned nothing about human nature?

  3. I'm flabbergasted. Just when you think they couldn't get anymore delusional, they do...

  4. Mike, it wasn't Barney Frank alone. It was Barney Frank and the congress (mostly Democrats but a substantial number of spineless Republicans, too) that thwarted Bush in 2003.

  5. The Boston Globe must be lying about Frank, huh, Volt?


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