Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ideology Over Country, Again

Back in September of 2003, the Bush administration (in yes, one of its few moments of lucidity) proposed tighter regulations on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. And, yes, folks, they proceeded to meet with resistance - considerable resistance. In fact, you may have actually heard of this guy. He goes by the name of Barney Frank. I quote him directly here. "I do not want the same kind of focus on safety and soundness that we have in O.C.C. and O.T.S.. I want to roll the dice a little more in this situation towards subsidized housing." ROLL THE DICE? And later that day, to the New York Times, he uttered this. "Those two entities - Fannie and Freddie - are not facing any kind of financial crisis. The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.".............................................................So, there you have it, folks, Barney Frank was more interested in his lofty social goals and ideology than he was the taxpayers' money. Typical, huh? And as for this whole Barney Frank fellow not having a crystal ball, maybe not. But he sure should have been able to read the writing on the wall a little better. I mean, seriously, to be lesser in terms of foresight than George W. Bush. That, my friends, is truly pathetic................................................................As to why the Bush administration and a Republican congress wasn't able to steamroll Mr. Frank, I don't know. My suspicion is that there were more than enough spineless Republicans worrying about reelection to successfully beat back what had evidently grown to be a popular entitlement. Just like President Bush had Democratic enablers, so, too, apparently did Frank have Republicans playing C.Y.A.. Politics as usual, in other words, politics as usual.


  1. I'd REALLY like to know EXACTLY HOW Barney Frank forced the mighty "DECIDER" GWB and a repug controlled congress that ruled with an iron fist to allegedly do things against their will...........thats a nice trick Will too bad its right out of Right Wing fantasyland.

    YOU NEED to either back up your claim with factual evidence or else man up and retract what you said.

  2. Mike, why do you have to call every person who disagrees with what you say a right winger....or a troll. I've stated, evidently enough spineless Republicans capitulated. Republicans have shown that they can be just as spineless as anybody. Hell, maybe Bush himself blinked. And, just for the record, Mike, I don't like the Republicans, either. I think I've been pretty clear about that over the past two years. My only pointn is that this is a bipartisan screw-up. Just ask Bill Clinton, Mike (or read my next post). He got frustrated with Barney Frank, too.

  3. Retract what? I'm just frigging quoting Barney Frank. Are you going to do a Bill O'Reilly and complain about that?

  4. Stop with the stawmen Will...................I didnt call YOU a Right winger or a troll whatsoever in any of the posts on this topic............just stated a fact that your posting Right wing Talking Points.

  5. Its REAL SIMPLE Will..............show EXACTLY HOW Barney Frank somehow FORCED The mighty "DECIDER GWB and a highly partisan repug Congress to FORCE banks and mortgage companies to loan to deadbeats who could NEVER pay back these loans................OR RETRACT your twilight zone fantasy that Barney Frank mystically forced ALL the baks, mortgage companies plus a repug controlled congress and White House do do his bidding.

    its one or the other back up what you say or admit you were either wrong or lying.

  6. Frank and the Congress (yes, including some Republicans,too) blocked the reform, Mike. That's a fact, bro.


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