Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Legislator in Chief

Say what you want about Ted Kennedy, folks; the fact that he's supposedly this "liberal lion", etc.. I only ask that you recognize an additional point here. Ted Kennedy, for all of this reputation of his as a partisan animal, has nearly always been able to find a Republican co-sponsor for the legislation he puts forth. And even more impressively than this, he generally allows the co-sponsor's name to go first on the legislation.........................................................I mean, I don't know about you, folks, but I find this rather extraordinary. This, I'm saying, in that while everybody else seems to only talk bipartisanship, Senator Kennedy has actually walked the walk and done so for years. And the fact that he's ever so willing to give the other guy (who almost always happens to be a Republican, no less) top billing, the better part of the ink, etc.. Kudos to Kennedy, I say..........................................................P.S. This is not to say that the "Liberal Lion" is perfect, of course. This, I'm saying, in that maybe he does trust the government a little too much, search for solutions where he necessarily shouldn't, etc... This and there's obviously his personal life. That hasn't always been stellar. All I'm saying is that he's got a lot of goodness in him, too. And that maybe even his adversaries need to acknowledge that. Here's to hoping that at least a couple of them will.

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