Thursday, March 5, 2009

Buy Low, Sell Even Lower

Did I hear Obama correctly the other day? Did he actually say that the stock market was "gyrating"? I thought so..........................................................I mean, look, folks, I like this fellow, President Obama. He's a good and decent man whose intentions/convictions I'm convinced are good. But for him to say something like THAT is far, far, beneath him. The stock market isn't gyrating. It's PLUMMETING and he knows it...........................................................Of course, he also knows that that fact doesn't reflect well his policies. Hence, obviously, the spin and, yes, the highly typical cover-your-own-butt double-speak. Oh well, I guess the more that these things "change" in Washington, the faster, too, that they come home to roost. Gyrating, my booty!.......................................................Oh, yeah, it's also a good opportunity to buy. Obama said that, too.


  1. Of course the stock market plummeted when Reagan took over also, but no one seems to remember that.


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