Monday, March 16, 2009

Hoof and Douche Disease

Palestinian mouth-piece, Saeb Erekat - now, THAT, folks, is a lying sack of doo-doo. I mean, this guy has spouted more misinformation than even the extremists in this country have. And the media, OUR MEDIA, have repeatedly give him this opportunity, over and over and over again............................................................Perhaps the worst example of this guy's bombastic rants came in April 2002. He, along with others of the Palestinian Authority's slime-machine (without even knowing the full story, mind you), went on CNN and proclaimed that a massacre had taken place in the town of Jenin. Erekat specifically stated that at least 500 people were murdered and that at least 1,600 others were missing - all at the hands of Israeli troops. It was a total fabrication................................................................Now, granted, the Palestinians had to back off of this scurrilous claim after the full evidence came in (56 killed, only 22 of which were civilians). But the fact that they were able to make the accusation at all speaks volumes. And the fact that the only reason Israel went into Jenin in the first place was to root out terrorist groups (Jenin had in fact become a cesspool for such miscreants) - damned if that, too, didn't get lost in the shuffle...........................................................Look, folks, I'm not saying that Israel is completely blameless here. They've got some bastards that they need to root out, too. But this propaganda that Erekat and his buddies have been shamelessly shoveling is absolutely revolting. I mean, just take a look at what happened here. A large chunk of the property damage in the Jenin refugee camp was caused by the Palestinians' own bombs. This and then, obviously, they blame Israel. It's like, talk about some sleeze-ball crap, huh? Saeb Erekat, folks, one of the worst of the worst.


  1. Hoof and Douche Disease

    what you were diagnosed with?

  2. Will,

    We've a major scandal with AIG going and you're carrying on about something some Palestinian said seven years ago?

    What's up with that?

  3. I hear ya', Frank. I'm just sick of institutions like the U.N. crapping all over Israel, while giving guys like Erekat (who's still around talking smack, btw) a totally free pass.

  4. will's douche disease is showing again frank

  5. Yeah how dare the UN ever say anything to Gods chosen.


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