Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bush V. Cheney

A rift between George Bush and Dick Cheney? You gotta be kidding, right? Well, guess what, folks, apparently it's happening. According to what I saw on CNN today, Cheney is extremely pissed at Bush for his refusal to pardon Scooter Libby (I guess that Bush's commutation of Scooter is/was insufficient in Cheney's eyes). He thinks that Libby (his good friend, it must be noted) is an honorable man whose only real crime was loyalty. He also thinks that Mr. Libby is being made into a scapegoat. Why the hell Mr. Bush doesn't just flat-out pardon this fellow - not only is this something that perplexes the former vice president, like I said before, it angers him, too............................................................As to what Bush's reasons were for not pardoning Scooter, one can only speculate, I assume. My sense of the matter is that Bush is a big legacy fellow and it was this that he had in mind. He saw what happened to Clinton when that president abused the power of the pardon (Marc Rich, Puerto Rican drug-dealers, etc.). Couple that with the lousy economy and the fact that Iraq and Afghanistan remain quite problematic and, yeah, he probably didn't want to push the envelope in this regard. He finally became practical, in other words. Oh well, better late that never.

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