Friday, January 9, 2009

"You're Either With Us or Against Us" (Sound Familiar?)

I've been blogging for almost two years now, folks. And, yeah, within that time period, I've learned a whole hell of a lot about the blogosphere. One of the specific things I've learned is that, with certain people anyway, it's simply not enough to criticize President Bush. It's not even enough to call him a poor president (hell, I'd go as far as to say one of the five or ten weakest ones)? You have to go beyond that - way beyond it. You have to call him a war criminal. You have to compare him to Hitler, for Christ! Anything less than that and you yourself get labeled a right-winger and a partisan. And the thing is, too, folks, you can't frigging reason with these types. That's the hardest part of all. Well, that and the fact that they're always cherry-picking shit, smashing the hell out of those squarely shaped pegs, etc.. Let's not diminish that component, either.


  1. Will, I'm one of the people who thinks he's a war criminal for 1.2 million reasons.

    But you can always reason with me...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think he made a bad, bad, bad, decision. And, yes, he'll probably go down as a bad president (or not -history can sometimes vindicate people), too. But war crimes? I don't know. That might open things up a little too much. I mean, think about it. Truman probably didn't need to drop that second H-bomb. Churchill certainly didn't need to order the fire-bombing of Dresden. Were those two acts "war crimes"? And what about Johnson and Nixon? How many times did those two bozos lie about Vietnam? And, besides, who's going to arrest him (Bush)? Obama doesn't seem all that interested in pursuing the matter. Oh well, it should be an interesting aftermath, huh?


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