Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Dean of Harvard Business School/Ambassador to Lithuania

Leon Panetta is good folks, folks. I'd even go as far as to say that he's probably one of the few really honest and decent men IN Washington. And, yes, he absolutely deserves a place in an Obama administration. But as director of the Central Intelligence Agency? I don't know, folks. I'm not feeling all that great about this appointment. I mean, sure, he does have some tangential experience in the intelligence field; as White House Chief of Staff and as a congressman. And in no way am I saying that this is as bad/dangerous a choice as O'Reilly and Hannity are saying (his organizational skills as White House Chief of Staff - those, for instance, could be valuable). I'm just saying that it probably isn't the best choice for the country at this point in time. Rather/more than anything, it simply looks like a plug-in choice, yet another place for a high-profile Democrat to hang his hat, etc........................................................Look at it this way, folks. I had a brief stint as a corrections officer (yes, Clif, a lowly prison guard) in the 80s. It was a good/eye-opening experience and I learned a lot. But does that me me qualified to be the police chief of Bridgeport, CT, regional director of ATF, etc.? Me, I'm not really thinking so........................................................There, now if I could only be totally wrong about this. Here's to hoping that I am.


  1. It's a better choice than you think.

  2. I guess there have been a few people who ran that agency without a lot of intelligence experience (Bush one being one). But at this particular point in time, I would have preferred another Jim Jones type choice. And I would have preferred Panetta as Chief of Staff over Emmanuel. But, then again, maybe that's why I'm sitting here typing. LOL

  3. "But at this particular point in time, I would have preferred another Jim Jones type choice.

    Well son I would prefer we didnt have a fanatical cult leader urging his minions to drink poisoned koolaid heading the CIA, Didnt you get your fill of that when Dulles headed the CIA when your man crush Eisenhower was in power ?

  4. Clif is back. I was referring to Obama's national security advisor designate, for those of you who don't know.

  5. Take it easy on Cliffy Will, he's not exactly a "brain trust" you know...

  6. Why is that maniac talking about a C.I.A. boss from almost 50 years ago?Does'nt Col.Klink realize the world has changed just a bit since then.

  7. He brings up Dulles because he knows that I admire Eisenhower. Never mind the fact that I've admitted on many occasions that Eisenhower WASN'T perfect or that I admire JFK (who actually was a centrist, btw; strong anti-Communist, a tax-cutter), too. Bottom-line, guys, Clif really is kind of a maniac. And, yet, I do kind of worry about him. I got kind of a soft-spot, I guess.

  8. Some of the best directors have been civilians.
    In my opinion an in the opinion of many others in the Intel community, they should be civilians.

  9. The way the world works NEVER changes Crusty.


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