Monday, October 13, 2008

Swimming with Old Piranhas

I'm kind of perplexed by this whole Obama/Ayers thing, frankly. I mean, first of all, the crap that this Ayers guy perpetrated was back in the late 60s. Granted, it was bad and all but since then, I'm saying, hasn't he basically become a model citizen? I even heard that mayor Daly likes the son-of-a-bitch, for Christ..............................................And it's not like the guy is the god-father of Obama's children or anything. The two dudes worked on a couple of projects together. Granted, they were "liberal" (O.K., maybe even radical) projects and all but, still, pretty much above-board, yes-no? It kind of makes me wonder why Obama ever felt the need to down-play the relationship. It was what it was and nothing more, I'm thinking................................................It certainly wasn't worth Governor Palin's outrage on the campaign trail. I mean, she certainly wouldn't like it if some bozo like Keith Olbermann started bringing up her/her husband's associations; that anti-American Alaskan-separatist guy, the terrorist witch-doctor who performed that church ceremony on her, etc.. Oh, wait a minute, I forgot, Keithster's already done such a thingy. Never mind.

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