Friday, October 10, 2008

Dirty Bombs/Bombers

Does an honorable veteran, folks (a truly honorable one, I'm saying), flagrantly misrepresent the positions of others? Well, apparently, THEY think they can. This, I'm saying, in that this one Internet shadow-boxer by the name of 1138, who stridently claims to be such a veteran, has attempted to do just that with me and my words. Let me explain here............................................For those of you who don't know, one of my pet-peeves (please, feel free to plug in a stronger term here) is when partisan/bellicose commentators engage in vile/over-the-top hyperbole. One tactic, in particular, that I find especially heinous is when one of these morons starts to compare people, the likes of which he disagrees with, to Nazis/Hitler. It tends to piss me off and, yes, I complain about it..............................................In fact, that's what I was doing earlier this year when Bill O'Reilly started comparing Arianna Huffington/The Huffington Post to the Nazis (he made an earlier analogy between the Daily Kos and Hitler, too, I believe). Yeah, that's right, folks, I ended up excoriating O'Reilly for this comparison - not just for the hyperbole, mind you, but for the fact that the making of such an analogy is itself totally insulting to those who actually went through the Holocaust. I did a "Keith Olbermann" on him, in other words............................................Well, guess what, folks, this supposedly honorable veteran took it upon himself to extract this particular quote; "the entire Huffington Post, Hitleresque in its proportions" (a quote, mind you, in which I was lambasting O'Reilly for having come to such a ludicrous conclusion), and tried to attribute those sentiments TO ME!!!..............................................I don't know, I guess he was trying to show me as some sort of hypocrite or something. This, I'm saying, in that I've recently instituted a blog policy in which I no longer allow Nazi innuendo to be made so frivolously. He must have figured, "Gee, what if I can show him doing something similar? I can make this guy look like a hypocrite." Unfortunately, for him, he didn't think very far ahead on his little scheme here, the fact that I could so readily refute it, etc.. But what a disgusting pig, though, huh?


  1. That or you need to learn to do a proper quote, and for that you should have gone to school, meaning you're a liar about your education.

  2. If you two care,let me give you mt opinion of the inference to anything even remotely referencing
    anything associated to the word nazi.

    To me,and I'll preference this by saying I'm not a Jew,but using the word nazi as a discriptive verb is tantamount to calling someone a nigger.

  3. This is Bill Hart's entire post so we know I have or havent taken him out of context ot he has or hasnt a grasp of english:

    Sunday, March 23, 2008
    A Scoundrel, By His Own Definition
    Let's see if I've gotten this straight, Bill. A spate of unsavory individuals post some nasty comments....and, from this, you feel the need to tar the entire Huffington Post, Hitleresque in its proportions? Dude! It's a frigging open-forum, for Christ (unlike the Fox news web-site, which apparently prescreens all comments....and still some virulent ones appear)!! Some of this lunacy is bound to get through. It's like, why don't you just admit it, Billy-Boy. You don't like the site because it's liberal - purely and simply. I mean, come on, I'm right, right? State the frigging obvious and be done with it already. Damn it all!

  4. "And you're a liar about your military service."

    sniff sniff

    Coming from YOU that means nothing Bill, no, less than nothing.

  5. Tell you what call me a slopehead and and an antisemite and unload with a string of foul expletives and biological excrement and reproductive stuff again... it'll soothe your broken "manhood".

    Shhesh your a case all this from me telling you that Barr was the unthinking mans choice and McCain wasn't in the Air Force, he was in the Navy and that a pilot can down his own plane (for that I'm a military know it all, lording it over civilians).

    Go beat off little man.

  6. I'd rather be a little man than a big-assed stooge. I ackowledged my mistake about McCain and I never said that McCain was never culpible (just that he wasn't culpible in all 5 incidents, as the LC bozos suggest). More strawmen from the scarecrow.

  7. And I think that the post fully shows that I was being critical of O'Reilly FOR HIS HYPERBOLE. P.S. I agree with Rusty on this one. "Nazi" is just as bad as the N-word or the F-word (faggott).

  8. I never said McCain was responsible for all 5 you have me confused with someone else, but you've been pretty confused all along. As for "Nazi", I've never used the word in a conversation with you little man, you are confused again.
    "I'd rather be a little man than a big-assed stooge."
    Good, once you work off the big assed stooge issues you'll just be a little man and you'll be happy.

    Well you've used up your keystrokes from me jail guard.
    start gathering your 0 comments and don't bother baiting me again you worthless piece of shit (there, maybe if I use language you use, you'll get it.)

  9. I pointed out that it was the LC crowd who blamed McCain for all 5 incidents. I prefer corrections officer. And I never said that you used Nazi innuendo. That was also LC's doing. P.S. I could care less about the number of comments I get. Most of them have been coming from lunatics, anyway.

  10. Whatever an LC crowd is you poor demented bastard.

  11. A grammar school calibre retort - atta boy, Mike.


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