Friday, October 24, 2008

Snake-Oil Salesmen In Chief

I think, folks, that we can officially start calling this, not an election, but a pander-fest, instead. I mean, seriously, what in the bluest-blazes else could you possibly call it? You got this Obama calling for nearly a trillion dollars in new spending, tax-cuts for "95%" of Americans (please, keep in mind that 40% of Americans currently pay NO income-tax), and God knows what else. Even McCain, who so consistently prides himself for his fiscal conservatism, has been throwing out promises; 300 billion in relief to troubled home-owners, corporate tax-cuts, etc...............................................I don't know, folks, did these two characters just not get the memo or something (a ten trillion dollar debt, 500 billion dollar deficits, etc.)? I mean, I know that they both want to get elected and all but, seriously, this is starting to get ridiculous. And if you don't believe me, just check out any of the non-partisan groups (The Concord Coalition, for example) that specialize in this stuff (taxes, the deficit, etc.). They'll flat-out tell you that both of these guys, if elected, will no doubt add billions (possibly hundreds of billions) to the deficit.................................................Now, granted, these guys (once elected) may in fact end up finding religion. They'll see the situation as it is and, yes, take to scaling things back a notch or two. Not that this is a guarantee, mind you, but at least it's a place where we can hang our hats for a while. It's something, in other words - not exactly chump-change in this day and age.

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